corrine_b Member


  • Hmm, I was having that problem too. There are days where I hardly eat anything and then the next day I eat a lot or a normal amount. It messes up my eating habits and schedule. That's strange, though. My doctor never brought up anything about my BMI. She just gave them to me. I also get 2 Vitamin b12 shots a week. The only…
  • hmm, i've never tried spaghetti squash, but i would really like to ! thank you for the ideas! :)
  • I will definitely check that out! Yes, the coffee is really an addiction! I've recently been using milk instead of creamer, but it isn't much better because we only have 2% in my house. I want to either buy low fat or non fat, and I've always used splenda and it works great. I love brown rice too! I will def. check out…
  • Wow, those all sound delicious! I'll have to try some of them! I think your plan is smart because it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change and making better choices... and that's how you have successful weight loss.. rather than just dieting until you are thin and then gaining it all back when you stop. Thanks so much!
  • That sounds reaaaalllly good. I love pita bread and I also love hummus. Thank you for that :)
  • That sounds reaaaalllly good. I love pita bread and I also love hummus. Thank you for that :)
  • Thank you for the ideas! They're great :) Good luck to you too. I love my salads and turkey too, so this works great!
  • I did try the sugar free ones.. I think I had vanilla, but I didn't like it too much. I'll look into more flavors :) Thanks for the advice :) so pasta isn't taboo? Everytime I think pasta I think tons of carbs... aa1440: This is true. I've been looking at labels so much lately and it's amazing how much food we over eat…
  • JJLive: Added :) Thank you.
  • barbiex3: I added you, thanks for the request :) I am 5'7... want to be around there too 135-140. Great job on your weight loss! I hope to be that far soon enough.
  • What is Topirmite? The Phentermine does not curb my appetite that severely. I've just managed to have an easier time choosing not to mindlessly snack or eat when I'm bored
  • I agree with you. I have only began taking Phentermine and b12 injections for 2 months to increase the results of eating right and exercising. (I am preparing to look my best for a wedding this Labor Day!) As soon as the wedding passes, I am definitely cutting the supplements. Too expensive to upkeep! As of now, I'm on a…