pamazado Member


  • This link will take you to the best resource for diabetes...I have taught diabetes education as a nurse( thinking I would need it) and this is a great site! I wish you the best!
  • Tradle, I don't know what illness you are facing, but I stuggle with fibromyalgia. I know that with the pain it is easy to try and find comfort in food. I end up hurting myself emotionally and physically. I find it necessary to feed my spirit as well as try to nurish my body, this can be hard to do sometimes when facing…
  • Quitting smoking is probably the single best thing you could do for your overall health. Weight loss is a close second..Congratulations! It is nice to have support. I also found that the clothes aren't just frumpy but built only for short people as well!
  • My suggestion wouldn't be to save up calories. I would suggest that you look up the nutritional info for lone star on the internet. Select a meal before you go then try to plan the rest of your day around that. I think its less likely that you would go over your calories. I try not to use a night out to over-indulge and if…
  • Unlike a diet, 12 step doesn't have an end per say, I is a process of learning a new way of life, of " acting on rather than reacting to life" Not burying fear, anger resentments with our food. I have seen people go thru the steps quickly, yet not gleen the true meaning of each one. I believe it is a process in which you…
  • I have been in program for 21/2 tears and have been thru the steps about 4 times and continue to learn every time. It is only thru the 12 steps that I have been able to find physical recovery as well as emotional and spiritual.I truely use the tools of the 12 steps and this program everyday!
  • I save leftovers, if it is enough for one our house It helps me get out of cooking 1-2 nights a week.. we have leftover night and each person gets to pick out of the treasure of left overs. I try to cook things thru the week that have a stronger appeal to one person or another to make it an easy choice on left…
  • Try to learn from can't be changed. I try to have a plan I can pull out in stressful time so I don't go back to the coping I had always used. That and call a friend. It is day at a time.
  • Was able to stay on track dispite my sister getting VERY irritated because I wouldn't taste a bite of a muffin. It is amazing when you change from the family norm how upset people can get. I am greatful for the changes I have been able to maintain.