Hellllllp me please !!!



  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    Sister, we must be related! Everytime I have an injury or a surgery it brings back weight and sometimes I too do exercise and then negate it with food. I even do it with too much stress or worrying about too much ahead of time. I have found that I have to take baby steps to get back on track. I use a three day plan to get my mindset back. Day one, I try to watch the calories, but will usually feel hungry and eat too much, but i force myself to get at least the hour of exercise, even if i have to break it into 10 minute increments each hour. Day two, I start the day with the exercise and then I notice that the calories limits are easier to follow. By day three my body is able to handle the continuous hour of exercise (not strenuous) and I am not hungry for more than maybe 1300 calories. Then the folllowing days tend to build easier and before I know it, I am sticking to my calorie goal and Exercising regularly. I sometimes spin on a bike at a leisure pace watching an hour long television program, and that seems to make it go by faster. Hope that helps you, as it is helping me today. Then your mind and body will be in the position to really fight the illness, you can do it!

    Yes that did help. Baby steps, you're right. With the help and inspiration I have received today, I know I can do it too. Thanks sister :)
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    just start fresh in the morning. You will do great. Just think before you eat anything, measure your food. Eat veggies and fruit when you want to snack. you can take these 6 pounds off quickly. glad you stopped and decided to get back on the program when you did. I gained 40 of the 52 pounds I lost. You was much smarter than me and you are stopping the weight gain before it gets a goos hold.

    where did you find the not smoking ticker. I love it and I have been quit smoking1 year this Nov.23rd. My husband and myself quit together and did not even have a aregument. we did great and still doing great. I would love to be you support person. My best friend in Oregon walks and talks on the phone with me while I am in Florida. The time flys and we both get our walking in. I walked 31/2 miles today. I was so excited...

    Yes, the trick is to be mindful of what you are eating before you eat it. I know that and I need to put that into practice again, thanks for reminding me.

    Regarding the smoking ticker, I really can't recall. I'll try and find it for you. I love it too. Congrats on quitting. Hasn't it made a difference when exercising in particular. I'd love you to be my support person but as I am in Australia I am not sure you would appreciate me calling you at 3 in the morning or whatever time it would be for you there :laugh: thanks for the offer though, I really appreciate it :)
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    We all have set backs and bad times. Just keep moving forward. In the long run you'll reach your goals. Just keep trying.

    I'm going to. If I give up trying I will be as big as a house in no time. I can't stop trying. Thanks for your help :)
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    Tradle, I'm starting over again with you. I fell off the wagon, too. I had done so great since last December, had not only lost weight but also really built nice muscle so I could fit into cute clothes! It's been one thing after another since August, including injuries stopping me from exercising, a very sick daughter, you name it. I am starting slowly and hopefully the habits will come right back to us like before. Bless you with your health issues - be strong and treat yourself to healthy things like light walks, great veggies, and time with friends!

    So sorry to hear you fell off the wagon too, it hurts when you land huh ;) Hope your injuries and your daughter are all healed now. We will get those habits back I am sure. Today I did the smartest thing I have done in a long time and that was to come here and ask for help. Boy did i get it and i feel so much better and totally inspired. Today is a good day. Thank you for your blessing, same to you. We can do this :)
  • pamazado
    pamazado Posts: 13 Member
    I don't know what illness you are facing, but I stuggle with fibromyalgia. I know that with the pain it is easy to try and find comfort in food. I end up hurting myself emotionally and physically. I find it necessary to feed my spirit as well as try to nurish my body, this can be hard to do sometimes when facing illness. I will pray for you. I know that God can provide the comfort that food cannot.
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