

  • Hi Soup Lady, When I taught 1st grade and read the story to the kids, I DID use a clean sone about the size of a small potato. We put it all into the croc pot so they could smell it cooking all day. I allowed the kids to bring ingredients. This was back in the day when we could cook in the classroom and it was safe. Be…
  • Thanks SK and Binkie, I'll look for the page where we can adjust our goals on this web site. I appreciate your input. I only joined last Thursday, so still trying to get in the groove.
  • Strawberry (or peach, cantaloupe) Smoothie Into blender place: 1 cup skim milk 1 cup frozen strawberries 2 T. sour cream 1 scoop (about 3 Tablespoons) protein powder 1 t. vanilla 1 or 2 packets sweetener 4 or 5 ice cubes Blend the milk, strawberries, sour cream, protein powder vanilla and sweetener until well mixed. Add…