pinkbubbles1382 Member


  • I completed RI30 in mid May and loved the results. I lost about 7lbs. and 5 inches overall. However, what really amazed me was how much stronger I felt as a result. I am now doing P90X and I know I never could have gotten through it without doing RI30 first. When I started Ripped, I could only do 6 push ups at a time. Now,…
  • I just responded to the other P90X post, but I'm planning to start soon! I'd love to join a group/chat about this or hear other's experiences.
  • Hi there! I actually plan to start P90X very soon. However, I have a wedding the week of the 14th, so I was going to wait until after that b/c it's out of town and I'd miss a week of progress. How did your first night go? I'm super excited to begin, but also scared to death that I won't be able to handle it. I just…
  • I've only done Ripped in 30 all the way through (not Shred) and I can not do burpees to save my life! I do about 4 of them and then feel like I'm going to die and have to modify it by doing something else entirely.
  • Yep, I am currently on Week/Level 3 Day 2. LOVE it! I really do. I feel so much stronger after doing it for just 15 days. I think it is a bit harder than the Shred, but I always got bored with Shred and gave up. This has actually kept my interest, so that's always a plus. After I'm done with Ripped I am thinking about…
  • Hi there! This is my first post...yay! Anyways, I currently do Ripped in 30. I'm on Level 3 Day 2. All I can say is wow, it's tough, but it's worth it. Good luck...I'll check back to see how it's going!