hardest Jillian Michaels move(s) to master?

On her Shred it with Weights, I cannot for the life of me complete the "turkish get ups"!!


  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 453 Member
    Jillian Michaels doesn't have any moves. All of the moves in her videos are generally standard across hardcore fitness circles. I've seen the same moves in Insanity, P90X, Cathe Friedrich, on YouTube gym videos, etc.
  • Jstewartdesigns
    Jstewartdesigns Posts: 51 Member
    Gosh, I couldn't even make it through level 1 on 30 day shred! I've got a ways to go, obviously!!
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    Ugh! I still have to modify some of them and I'm almost done with 30DS. and sometimes I can start off doing them regular but in the middle I have to switch to a modified version or risk smashing my face into the floor.

    I don't think she meant JM had a trademark on the moves herself. It was probably more of a general type of question, like which moves from any of her DVDs do you find difficult to master?

    I just got her Ripped in 30 and Yoga Meltdown (is that the right one?) and I have to say I'm excited and dreading it all at the same time :laugh:
  • There is a back bend in Extreme Shed and Shred that I will never be able to do! I'm just never going to be that flexible! Also any variations of push ups, I have yet to master!
  • alilovesray
    alilovesray Posts: 35 Member
    Mountain Climbers...and basically anything in PIKE POSE. Urgh.
  • pinkbubbles1382
    pinkbubbles1382 Posts: 6 Member
    I've only done Ripped in 30 all the way through (not Shred) and I can not do burpees to save my life! I do about 4 of them and then feel like I'm going to die and have to modify it by doing something else entirely.
  • Crow push ups in Ripped in 30, impossible!
  • chelcscarbrough
    chelcscarbrough Posts: 45 Member
    Any form of pushups, definitely. I have trouble with the burpees too.
  • tara_jm
    tara_jm Posts: 33 Member
    Crow push ups in Ripped in 30, impossible!

    These! I'm just not flexible enough. They feel too weird. And the side squat, leg raise. I can barely get my leg off the ground.
  • crazysexykoo
    crazysexykoo Posts: 129 Member
    I don't think she meant JM had a trademark on the moves herself. It was probably more of a general type of question, like which moves from any of her DVDs do you find difficult to master?

    Exactly! :happy:
  • crazysexykoo
    crazysexykoo Posts: 129 Member
    Crow push ups in Ripped in 30, impossible!

    Uggh...how could I forget those?! I always fall over and down to the floor. LOL!!
  • In level 3....plank punches with weights...oh em gee..
    I still have to modify some moves.
  • I'm finishing up The Shred this week, and I still can't do the jumping lunges because they kill my knees. I'm starting her Extreme Shed and Shred next week!
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    There is a back bend in Extreme Shed and Shred that I will never be able to do! I'm just never going to be that flexible! Also any variations of push ups, I have yet to master!

    Thanks for the info, I'll have to skip that part if I get that DVD. I haven't done a back bend since I was a teenager a long LONG time ago. Who puts back bends in a workout? Crazy people, that's who, lol :grumble: :noway: