jc4639 Member


  • I'm restarting insanity again today. Finished last October and I've decided to do a sconce 60day round.
  • I've been on here on and off for about a year. A good friend recommended the site, but I got so busy with other things that I forgot about it. I decided I needed to start putting myself first and decided to get back on track with my weight loss / toning up goals. So I'm looking for friends.
  • Feel free to add me. It would be nice to have some support on my journey... :)
  • 10lbs to lose, and then the difficult task of toning everything up.
  • I'm heading into back to school at the end of the month and it's my senior year, but since I'm a double major graduation is no time soon :( Cant wait for it to be over!!! I'm still trying to get all the extra weight offf from last semester before I return to school.