

  • Welcome to MFP!!! You'll love it here. You'll be able to utilize this to find great information. If you ever have any questions about nutrition. I started at 267 lbs and have lost 39 lbs since starting MFP in June and my wife has lost 14 lbs. Please feel free to ask. Have a great day!!!!
  • Welcome to MFP!!! You'll love it here. You'll be able to utilize this to find great information. If you ever have any questions about nutrition. I started at 267 lbs and have lost 39 lbs since starting MFP in June and my wife has lost 14 lbs. Please feel free to ask. Have a great day!!!!
  • Great Job!!! 1 week in means, you have 14 more days to make it a habit!!!! :) I too am on a calories defecit plan like you where I consume about 1,500 cals. I've lost 39lbs since joining. Keep up the great work and welcome to MFP!!!! Feel free to add me if you like.
    in Hi Comment by jsusim000 October 2011
  • Welcome to MFP!!! You'll love it here. You'll be able to utilize this to find great information. If you ever have any questions about nutirtion, please feel free to ask. I lost 39 lbs since starting MFP in June and my wife has lost 14 lbs. Have a great day!!!!
  • Welcome to MFP!!! You'll love it here and it's totally helped me and my wife lose tons of weight. Please feel to add me. If you'd like to check out our blog, please check out www.TeamLeanSupreme.com . I have a full review on how MFP helped my wife and both lose alot of weight and do it the right way. the healthy way. Take…