I always seem to have to be doing some craft project, whether it's sewing, cross stitch or knitting. It helps relax me at the end of the day and keeps my hands busy so I'm not tempted to eat.
Hi, I'm Heather. I'm 44, married with a 17 yr old and an 11 yr old. We've had the Wii Fit for a couple years now and it's what I use the most for exercise. But I need the challenges to put some order into my routine. I'm looking forward to talking to you all. Heather
My Wii Fit age: 28 My age: 44 Diff of -16 years.
I would look on Ravelry or on the Lion Brand site, they have a really easy one that is garter stitch with yarn overs at the ends to make the increases.
I'm Heather. I'm 44, married, with two kids, 17 and 11. I have been knitting off and on as long as I can remember and can crochet, but it hurts my wrist so crochet projects tend to be small and far apart. I also cross stitch and sew and generally rotate my crafts, but lately all I've been doing is knitting. I'm currently…
New here. Great challenge. Completed it, but did worse on the lotus challenge than usual.
I'm on Ravelry, too. Heatherfromohio.
Hi, I'm fairly new here to and can also use all the knowledge and support I can find. I'll send you a request. Heather