

  • No honey, please dont lose anymore weight. You are a 5'7 28 year old woman. Your stature requires more weight, your body is holding on to that fat that it needs. If you want to tone up your body, you should increase your calorie and protein intake and lift weight and lift heavy. That is the only true way to reduce fat…
  • I stopped 2 years ago and never looked back! Shakeology helped a great deal with the soda and icecream cravings. I was a crazy icecream binger. :/ I just got my sister on Shakeology too because she has a really bad smoking and soda habit, Im talking 2 liters a day. yikes! Feel free to add me as a friend. You can kick that…
  • Adding you now doll!
  • Totally understand the over eating. I am a binge eater myself. My mother was diagnosed with carcinoid 3 weeks ago and I've been stuck in a rut. Its just difficult to deal with a personal matter when so many other people count on me to coach them through their fitness/heath journeys. Welcome back! Lets get through this…
  • you might just need to change up your workout routine. Maybe increase or decrease your cals by 100 cals depending on what type of workouts youre doing. Or workout at different time of the day. Remember the body accommodates to routine, you have to shock the body once in a while.
  • Depending on how heavy you are 6lbs in 10 days is not a lot of weight being that you cut down your calories to 1200/day. However, you should note that the first few pounds is water weight. You should be losing a safe 1-2lbs weekly from now on. Good luck!