sachmeer Member


  • Thanks for the advice, EOD has been tough but Ive enjoyed it this week, Im going to do this for 3 weeks then shift to 4-3, then 5-2 ...
  • Thanks and thats excellent weight loss, I also have age and height against me too :)
  • Hi Naxeea Im on my first week too, its been ok actually, one question did you leave it as late as possible on your fasting day to eat anything ?? so far this is been great for me
  • Im doing it too,
    in 5-2 Diet Comment by sachmeer May 2015
  • Thank you all again, some very useful advice to take onboard, I felt rubbish this morning as set my alarm for 5.30am to begin my Jillian DVD but could not drag myself out of bed :( :( spent the morning cursing to myself, anyway partly due to having such a heavy workout tuesday evening - I do an hour of circuit training -…
  • thank you all for your advice- will takein on board, Lally 4 children under 5 my goodness where do you get the energy to get up and exercise? kell - your absolutely right thank you very much
  • Hi Gooi Wow, I dont know how you do it !! but that is fabulous, right then I am going to do this and bust these 21lbs away :) I think the cooking extra on the evening and eating next day is a very good idea, my biggest problem is the over indulgence in the evening, so I know what i have to do it is telling myself this, I…