

  • most fitness experts will tell you to exercise in the morning...i myself do so. the reason is that they believe that if you wait until later in the day, you might not do it as all as 'life happens'. however, it might be easy to simply stop by the gym after work and make that your routine. i don't think there are any…
  • i feel so rude. i meant to say that i am sorry to hear about your mom too and that i really hope she gets better and will take care of herself. maybe you will be an inspiration to her! love and peace!
  • so glad you are here. i also have pcos and actually had to have a hysterectomy several years ago due to all the tumors. i am doing the atkins diet which i just started hard core. i have read a lot on pcos and diabetes as i am borderline there too. a low carbohydrate diet is the way to go with either or both of these two…
  • i have had fibroid tumors to the point i had to have a hysterectomy. you are on the right track by cutting out bad carbs and simple sugars as they will only aggravate the problem. i think you should countinue to eat lean proteins and lots...i mean lots of vegetables. i am also a very slow weight loser and can gain a pound…
  • kristen...i feel for you and i can relate. i am also very busy. i have two boys and i am a self- employed jewelry artist with long work hours. i am trying to lose weight by exercising more. considering to this point i have exercised very little- that's not hard to do. i have a friend that i meet to walk with three times a…
  • i am new here; however, i know that if you want to break old habits, start small. work for small goals that you know you can do every a 5-10 minute walk. you can start a streak of how many days you can walk for 5 minutes or whatever you know you can do and build on that small and wonderful success. i think we…