

  • :glasses: I was just doing tae bo tonight, thinking to myself, I don't think tae bo is in the list of exercises. You read my mind. The calculation that I got from the link and the calculation from using tae kwan do on the site came within 10 calories of each other, so you could use either.
    in Tae Bo Comment by Helen43 November 2008
  • :flowerforyou: Welcome!
  • So, I just started recently and of course 3 weeks in I get a terrible chest cold and my asthma starts acting up. I was always told growing up to starve a fever and feed a cold. So, is it a good idea to continue tracking calories and trying to lose weight when you are ill? Any ideas?
  • :flowerforyou: WELCOME
    in Ello! Comment by Helen43 October 2008
  • :glasses: A recently met with a personal trainer. He told me that I really should cut back on the carbs and only eat them a half hour before or after cardio. Hope this helps.
  • At WW, for food 1 point is basically 50 calories. If the food is high in fat, it may be more. And if it is high in fiber, it may be less than 1 point. I don't think that exercise points use the same calculation as food points, but I may be wrong. As rule, they don't encourage you to eat your exercise points. In fact, at a…
  • I have the same problem. I only really get online during the week. On the weekend, I can't seem to find time to enter my foods. And then there are restaurants. The family wants to go to the chinese buffet...what can I do? I can't just go and sit there. I haven't solved this problem for myself yet, so I don't really have…
  • :flowerforyou: It will be a new you for your new married life. You can do it.
  • I am new too. I am going to do it right this time. No more excuses.
    in Hello! Comment by Helen43 October 2008