

  • Just an update. I learned that you burn 20 calories to make 1oz of milk, so I just put it in as 1 minute is 1oz and add it up as she eats.
  • bodyrocker right here too! started following zuzana three months ago. i had plateaued for quite a while until i started bodyrockin! now i'm shedding fast and feeling much more alive!
  • i know this topic is kind of old now, but i would like to say that i have been "lypossaging" my belly, waist, and inner thighs for the past month every other night at least and it has made a very noticeable difference. My thighs have always toughed no matter what I do, and with the massage they don't unless my feet are…
  • hehehe. my family is russian, so i am like a midget among giants :)
  • ^this! I will be wearing white tights under my dress! I'm a mother, and while I still believe in sexy, slutty was out the window for me after college :)
  • for the record, i kind of feel like i do when i get flack from people for saying i weigh almost 140 lbs and when i go out in public with my son just the 2 of us and i get rude comments because they assume i'm an unwed teenage mother. just saying that last comment felt a little harsh or rude to me.
  • i wear clothes that hide how big they are. lots of black and dark with tight fit at the top and a trouser or slight flare leg at the bottom. When I where shorts I look like a stump. And I do have people compliment my legs, but in reality it's much less often than my cleavage, eyes, or lips
  • i'm going as the white russian this year . I'm russian and have had my eye on this costume for years. finally small enough now almost a year after having my son!
  • oh i know. i just wanted to gauge after 2 days to see how it would do lol