

  • I have glanced at most of the responses and please do not take my lack of response to the negative people as me backing down. I simply can not argue with those who are closed minded. One thing about me personally is I am very analytical. I analyze and research EVERYTHING. I would not jump into a 1200 calorie diet…
  • You, my friend, are 100% right! I want to use your example of the 15% body fat. This diet I am on it for the morbidly obese like I was. I had over 60% body fat. I am now down to 30%! Many of the nay-sayers to my post, if their photos are accurate, have no need to be on a diet other than to eat back exercise calories.…
  • I love this quote. At one point, I weighed over 300 pounds, had sky high blood pressure, pre diabetic, knee injury was nagging due to weight. Yet, I went on the diet, blood pressure is stable, blood sugar controlled, knee feels great and I emotionally feel great... So your logic is flawed. I am healthier and fit, I just…
  • Correct. I am trying to find out in my OP where I ever said that I was going on a 1200 Calorie diet for ever? I believe I said I started at 1200 to lose a lot fast then gradually increased my intake to slow the weight loss down. Sure, I can hit my goal weight in a month by eating less than 1000 calories a day. I chose to…
  • Precisely what they are trying to do. I can not advise you one way or another (although hundreds here will be more than willing to tell you what you "need" based on websites). I use 1200 calories for a fast weight loss then gradually build it back up to increase my BMR so I can sustain once I hit my goal weight.
  • Wow. I only could get through the third page or so before I felt bad for many of the respondents. It is amazing how everyone here knows everything and will be the first to tell you such. People "speaking from experience" on how "horrible" the diet is need to remember, different people require different diets. Just because…
  • Wow, what a response. Some positive (Thank you!) mostly negative. Let me clear some air. I usually work out. At least a LOT of walking. Usually Biking and racquetball. Do I eat back the calories? Sometimes but usually not. Do I feel hungry everyday? NOT AT ALL. The first week, going from 5000+ calories to 1200 was hard but…
  • I can only assume you are a registered dietitian or nutritionalist. haha. Hmmmm, I work out every other day for about 90 minutes, which includes about 15 miles on a bike, 30 minutes of hardcore racquetball and weight lifting. But yes, I am very lethargic. (Please note sarcasm). Metabolism is better now then when I was…
  • My breakfast keeps me full until about 4pm. So I eat a protein bar about 12pm in order to make it to dinner. Thanks for the input!
  • "He who claims able to cast stones but doesn't does not mean they ARE able to cast stone." I am curious on what is SO wrong with a personal story???? No where in there did I claim expertise or medical documentation. I simply spoke of experience. So please, cast thy stone.
  • MFP always advised me to eat 1700+ calories, never have I seen it go to 1200. If I only eat 1200 or less, it actually warns me that I am eating too little. I have been on a strict 1000-1200 calorie diet a few times in my life. Three years back, I lost 60 pounds in a matter of 7 weeks adhering to it religiously. However,…
  • With those kinds of work outs, you are strengthening, therefore growing muscle. Muscle TRUELY weighs more than fat. I remember a few years back, I went from 280 to 235 and flattened, even gained a little. I didn't realize, until I ballooned back up to 265, that I was gaining muscle. My BMI continued to drop but weight was…