Yes, 1200 calorie diets work!



  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    And a mobidly obese person doesn't need to eat 500 calories. And if so it should be with a doctors supervision and supplemental support. Morbidly obese isn't an arbitrary statement either. Morbid is based on 35 to 45% BMI. And lets face it, that's about all BMI is good for, that and charging more for insurance.
  • AllieMarie2244
    AllieMarie2244 Posts: 106 Member
    I personally think 1200 is low for a male. I do 1250 when I dont work out and Im not bitter, or losing sleep or starving. And I have cheat days and prob will the rest of my life. But I also could prob eat the way I do the rest of my life.....I think everyone is different.

    agreed but im on month uhhh 3 now and I've lost weight, of course.
    I'll be going back to the gym soon here though I felt better
    and also felt better about eating over 1200 calories if I exercised

    but in reality I don't ever want to be eating more then like 400-500 calories before dinner and I shouldn't be eating a huge ole unhealthy meal. I had a cheat day yesterday now im back on schedule
  • conqueringsquidlette
    conqueringsquidlette Posts: 383 Member
    To anyone who is losing weight eating very little calories (1200-ish) do ANY of you actually track your body composition to determine if you are losing muscle?

    I do. Since I started at over 40% body fat as it is, I haven't seen anything but a decrease of body fat. Mind you that I'm using an impedence scale, so it's just a trend I'm following and not the actual numbers, but the calipers put me over 40% as well before I started using the scale.

    I wonder if there's just kind of a minimum LBM that a person can't really dip below without actually outright starving themselves though. What do you think?

    Well there certainly is a minimum LBM that if you drop below would result in death but if you were truly starving I don't think you would stop losing LBM until you actually died.

    The reason you lose muscle is either you are protein malnourished and your body cannibalizes your muscle to get the needed nutrients or you are exercising and causing microtears and damage to your muscles that you simply aren't supplying your body with enough energy in the form of calories to conduct repairs so rather than fix the damage your body just ingests the damage tissue for fuel.

    The concern with very high deficit diets is that you will lose weight quickly to be sure, but you will lose muscle also which will be very difficult to regain.

    That's what I was thinking. There's sort of a bottom. I don't know that I have any muscle mass to lose at this level. Not that that translates to a bigger point of any kind. It's just something I wonder about.
    Your heart is made of muscle tissue...

    and much more than that as well. Muscle isn't just for lifting heavy things and looking good, there are a lot of completely essential functions that muscle carries out and once you burn through your glamour muscle you will start to burn through that essential tissue as well. Now that is if you are truly starving and I doubt anyone here is at that level.

    This. My question involved NOT starving. Like I wonder if people at very high body fat percentages can sustain their low lean body mass without cannibalizing muscle as long as they're not crossing into actual starvation territory. I have no idea what the science ison that. It's a curiosity thing, not a claim.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I personally think 1200 is low for a male. I do 1250 when I dont work out and Im not bitter, or losing sleep or starving. And I have cheat days and prob will the rest of my life. But I also could prob eat the way I do the rest of my life.....I think everyone is different.

    agreed but im on month uhhh 3 now and I've lost weight, of course.
    I'll be going back to the gym soon here though I felt better
    and also felt better about eating over 1200 calories if I exercised

    but in reality I don't ever want to be eating more then like 400-500 calories before dinner and I shouldn't be eating a huge ole unhealthy meal. I had a cheat day yesterday now im back on schedule

    Well if that isn't disordered thinking then slap me on the butt and call me Sally. Bless your heart. What a sad way to live life.
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    I don't find it necessary to punish my body for being fat by eating under my BMR. I'll just keep eating 2,000 calories a day and losing weight, and save all my will power for picking up heavy objects.
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    29 year old male, look about average height, and 60 pounds overweight yet you only lost 1.2 pounds a week? Isn't it stupidly obvious to you that your body was fighting you the entire way?
  • kbeloved
    kbeloved Posts: 67 Member
    I've been tracking for the past 110 days

    Aiming to net 2100 calories a day. I run, I lift weights, I eat any and all foods (that I enjoy eating)
    I've lost over 20 pounds.

    It took me years to gain all this weight, I don't thinks it's safe or smart to lose my excess weight over night or 5 months.

    But I am not on a diet like you are, I am eating the way I plan to for the rest of my life, just a little bit less for now!

    Good luck with not feeling like death, and gaining it all back when you start eating again.
    +1 exactly
  • I used to lose weight very easily by eating low calories, but at the age of 40 that all changed. I am a life long yo-yo dieter. Last year I decided I had better get back to dieting. I went on a strict diet. No loss. I started gaining. I cut back more and lost a little then it crept back. I was getting extremely frustrated. Then my sis-in-law told me about MFP. I was extremely skeptical at first, I had NEVER heard of eating back 'burned calories'. But over the past year I gained 30lbs and needed to do something. Now I eat approximately 1500-2000 calories a day. Sometimes a little more! But I am never over my net calories...I am slowly, steadily losing. I really didn't believe it was possible. I lost 10 of the 30 I gained and feel like I am finally eating healthy. Will power. I have it, but realize I don't need to, nor should I starve myself. It is what has kept me on this roller coaster for so long. I hope you have success, but I just wanted explain the flip-side. :)
  • Wow. I only could get through the third page or so before I felt bad for many of the respondents. It is amazing how everyone here knows everything and will be the first to tell you such. People "speaking from experience" on how "horrible" the diet is need to remember, different people require different diets. Just because this diet did not work for you does not mean it won't work for others. All of these scary stats about the diet make me laugh. That is like me telling someone "DON'T DRIVE! There are so many deaths from driving! You should only take a plane because it is safer! I know this because I drove once and I got hurt but I have never been hurt flying."

    I am not a gym rat nor do I desire the "bulky, muscular body". I am still VERY strong but I would be lying to say I am not losing SOME muscle mass. However, I am not "Skinny fat" as many like to comment on.

    Here are two points I would like you to think about. One is medically proven and the other is logically proven. Lets start with the logical first.

    Logically speaking, you have a choice, 100 calories of McDonald's French Fries or 100 Calories of Celery. To put this in a visual comparison, think about 2/3 of a KID'S sized fries vs several stalks of celery. Which would make you FULLER and HEALTHIER? If I could only eat 100 calories, I would pick celery. Why? Because it will fill me up, keep me full longer AND supply nutrients. What would the McPuke fries do? Leave me hungry, sick and disgusted. Now, replace these foods with ANY foods. 100 Calories of ice cream vs 100 calories of chicken, etc. The logic of this diet is UNDENIABLE. You can NOT eat ANYTHING on a 1200 calorie diet. You have to eat QUALITY food. Now, some of you will still argue "well I eat bacon and eggs every morning. All I need to do is run an extra 4 miles to burn off the bacon" My response, DON'T EAT THE FREAKIN' BACON!!!! hahahaha Replace it with egg whites!

    Medically speaking. I have a few loved ones that underwent bariatric surgery. They had a gastric bypass. Guess how many calories they ate for two months post op? Not even 300 calories a day. Geeee, they lost weight dramatically, hair didn't fall out, nails didn't get brittle. Because like smart people, they took vitamins.... For the first few years, guess what their calorie intake went up to UNDER DOCTOR'S ORDERS????? 800-1000. Yes, flamers will argue "well, they were under doctor's care" No they weren't. They were given a post op diet and weighed in once a year for three years. They lost 200 pounds, look great and have kept it off. So please, random gym rat or upset yo-yo dieter, before you begin to tell people that it is impossible, unhealthy, or leads to eating disorders, think about the basis of this diet. I will believe 1000's of bariatric doctors before I believe some poster that likes to think they know everything because they lost 30 pounds by going to the gym.

    Those of you who made it this far into this thread and think 1200 calories is for you, try it. See what happens. If you begin to exhibit unhealthy symptoms, then stop. But don't believe everything you see on here. I have yet to have a problem other than needing to constantly update my wardrobe.

    Let the fighting begin.....
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Wow. I only could get through the third page or so before I felt bad for many of the respondents. It is amazing how everyone here knows everything and will be the first to tell you such. People "speaking from experience" on how "horrible" the diet is need to remember, different people require different diets. Just because this diet did not work for you does not mean it won't work for others. All of these scary stats about the diet make me laugh. That is like me telling someone "DON'T DRIVE! There are so many deaths from driving! You should only take a plane because it is safer! I know this because I drove once and I got hurt but I have never been hurt flying."

    I am not a gym rat nor do I desire the "bulky, muscular body". I am still VERY strong but I would be lying to say I am not losing SOME muscle mass. However, I am not "Skinny fat" as many like to comment on.

    Here are two points I would like you to think about. One is medically proven and the other is logically proven. Lets start with the logical first.

    Logically speaking, you have a choice, 100 calories of McDonald's French Fries or 100 Calories of Celery. To put this in a visual comparison, think about 2/3 of a KID'S sized fries vs several stalks of celery. Which would make you FULLER and HEALTHIER? If I could only eat 100 calories, I would pick celery. Why? Because it will fill me up, keep me full longer AND supply nutrients. What would the McPuke fries do? Leave me hungry, sick and disgusted. Now, replace these foods with ANY foods. 100 Calories of ice cream vs 100 calories of chicken, etc. The logic of this diet is UNDENIABLE. You can NOT eat ANYTHING on a 1200 calorie diet. You have to eat QUALITY food. Now, some of you will still argue "well I eat bacon and eggs every morning. All I need to do is run an extra 4 miles to burn off the bacon" My response, DON'T EAT THE FREAKIN' BACON!!!! hahahaha Replace it with egg whites!

    Medically speaking. I have a few loved ones that underwent bariatric surgery. They had a gastric bypass. Guess how many calories they ate for two months post op? Not even 300 calories a day. Geeee, they lost weight dramatically, hair didn't fall out, nails didn't get brittle. Because like smart people, they took vitamins.... For the first few years, guess what their calorie intake went up to UNDER DOCTOR'S ORDERS????? 800-1000. Yes, flamers will argue "well, they were under doctor's care" No they weren't. They were given a post op diet and weighed in once a year for three years. They lost 200 pounds, look great and have kept it off. So please, random gym rat or upset yo-yo dieter, before you begin to tell people that it is impossible, unhealthy, or leads to eating disorders, think about the basis of this diet. I will believe 1000's of bariatric doctors before I believe some poster that likes to think they know everything because they lost 30 pounds by going to the gym.

    Those of you who made it this far into this thread and think 1200 calories is for you, try it. See what happens. If you begin to exhibit unhealthy symptoms, then stop. But don't believe everything you see on here. I have yet to have a problem other than needing to constantly update my wardrobe.

    Let the fighting begin.....

    Its almost like you crave melodrama and see drama where there is none.

    I've read through this thread and here is what I see people saying summed up:

    No one is saying you cannot lose weight eating 1200 calories, of course you can. People are saying that if you eat only 1200 calories you will lose muscle in addition to fat (which you admit here has happened to you) and that it will be difficult to transition from such an unsustainable diet into maintenance (which at least at some level you seem to recognize since you have already shifted yourself off 1200 calories already).

    Will you die eating only 1200 calories a day? No, not for a very long time. Is anyone here claiming you will die? No. Is it healthy? No, it really isn't. Not everyone sees the need to try to sprint to the finish line only to collapse in a heap. You seem to mock those who take it slow but honestly taking it slow is what allows you to keep all your muscle and easily transition to maintenance to keep the weight off. Not only that but the people "taking it slow" are typically losing 1-2 pounds a week so they are actually losing at about the same rate you are. To me that isn't a lack of willpower to force oneself to eat at a huge deficit, that is just someone being sensible.

    I have no interest in "fighting" you or "trolling" you but I'm not sure anyone really (including yourself) believes that eating 1200 calories a day is sustainable or won't result in muscle loss which is basically the only point anyone here is making.

    Here is the bottom line. The longer you stay at a huge caloric deficit the more muscle you will lose. Do with that as you will.
  • I too am on a 1200 calorie diet. That was the amt that MFP suggested when I input that I wanted to lose 2lbs per week. Reading this is freaking me out, so I changed it to 1.5lbs per week. I'm 26 and 5'4...I have lost 26lbs in a little over 3 month and honestly have 40-50lbs to go to be at a healthy weight. I don't eat back my workout calories, except on the weekends. You guys are scaring me! I'd rather be fat fat than skinny fat! ew.

    Precisely what they are trying to do. I can not advise you one way or another (although hundreds here will be more than willing to tell you what you "need" based on websites). I use 1200 calories for a fast weight loss then gradually build it back up to increase my BMR so I can sustain once I hit my goal weight.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Funny, I don't do anything different in my day to eat bacon...your logic is flawed. I do supply my body with nutrients, I also supply it enough calories to make all my vital organs function properly. I can be certain of that because well, I don't pick the bare minimum caloric amount to lose on. But it's okay, because you feel fine now.

    For someone who just wanted to share your plethora of knowledge you sure came in with a fighting stance. "Hear, hear you gym rats and yo yo dieters. Here my awesomeness." If you took the time to read all the responses your dribble has acquired you, you should hold the back patting. Congratz on glorifying a bare minimum caloric amount for the masses. Congratz on encouraging young girls who could lose well and healthily on 1600 calories to not want to eat over 500 calories before dinner and to demonize every food that comes into view.

    1200 MAY be okay for some. BUT it is not okay for most. When you get into the mentality of eating as little as you possibly can for a feeble scale weight goal you fall prey to the possibility of disordered eating. I'm not saying everyone will but restrictive eating leads to restrictive thinking. You're kind of there. McDonald's fries sure as hell taste better than celery. Am I going to say you should eat nothing but McDonald's? No. That's a strawman argument. There's a middle ground called moderation. When you see foods in terms of nutrient density and not trivial words like good or bad, it eliminates that overly restrictive state of mind. Most people diet to their goal, then relapse. What do you think fixes that? Moderate paced weight loss, learning sustainable habits and patience. Everyone can find that place their comfortable with but your arrogance is astounding.

    "I'm better than everyone because I can starve myself" *chest puffed out* mentality.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    In my opinion why some people say 1200 calorie diets don't "work" and others say 1200 calorie diets do "work" is that their definitions of "work" are different.

    The 1200 calorie diet group's definition of "work" is rapid weight loss.

    The anti-1200 calorie diet group's definition of "work" is to get fit and healthier.
  • Wow. I only could get through the third page or so before I felt bad for many of the respondents. It is amazing how everyone here knows everything and will be the first to tell you such. People "speaking from experience" on how "horrible" the diet is need to remember, different people require different diets. Just because this diet did not work for you does not mean it won't work for others. All of these scary stats about the diet make me laugh. That is like me telling someone "DON'T DRIVE! There are so many deaths from driving! You should only take a plane because it is safer! I know this because I drove once and I got hurt but I have never been hurt flying."

    I am not a gym rat nor do I desire the "bulky, muscular body". I am still VERY strong but I would be lying to say I am not losing SOME muscle mass. However, I am not "Skinny fat" as many like to comment on.

    Here are two points I would like you to think about. One is medically proven and the other is logically proven. Lets start with the logical first.

    Logically speaking, you have a choice, 100 calories of McDonald's French Fries or 100 Calories of Celery. To put this in a visual comparison, think about 2/3 of a KID'S sized fries vs several stalks of celery. Which would make you FULLER and HEALTHIER? If I could only eat 100 calories, I would pick celery. Why? Because it will fill me up, keep me full longer AND supply nutrients. What would the McPuke fries do? Leave me hungry, sick and disgusted. Now, replace these foods with ANY foods. 100 Calories of ice cream vs 100 calories of chicken, etc. The logic of this diet is UNDENIABLE. You can NOT eat ANYTHING on a 1200 calorie diet. You have to eat QUALITY food. Now, some of you will still argue "well I eat bacon and eggs every morning. All I need to do is run an extra 4 miles to burn off the bacon" My response, DON'T EAT THE FREAKIN' BACON!!!! hahahaha Replace it with egg whites!

    Medically speaking. I have a few loved ones that underwent bariatric surgery. They had a gastric bypass. Guess how many calories they ate for two months post op? Not even 300 calories a day. Geeee, they lost weight dramatically, hair didn't fall out, nails didn't get brittle. Because like smart people, they took vitamins.... For the first few years, guess what their calorie intake went up to UNDER DOCTOR'S ORDERS????? 800-1000. Yes, flamers will argue "well, they were under doctor's care" No they weren't. They were given a post op diet and weighed in once a year for three years. They lost 200 pounds, look great and have kept it off. So please, random gym rat or upset yo-yo dieter, before you begin to tell people that it is impossible, unhealthy, or leads to eating disorders, think about the basis of this diet. I will believe 1000's of bariatric doctors before I believe some poster that likes to think they know everything because they lost 30 pounds by going to the gym.

    Those of you who made it this far into this thread and think 1200 calories is for you, try it. See what happens. If you begin to exhibit unhealthy symptoms, then stop. But don't believe everything you see on here. I have yet to have a problem other than needing to constantly update my wardrobe.

    Let the fighting begin.....

    Its almost like you crave melodrama and see drama where there is none.

    I've read through this thread and here is what I see people saying summed up:

    No one is saying you cannot lose weight eating 1200 calories, of course you can. People are saying that if you eat only 1200 calories you will lose muscle in addition to fat (which you admit here has happened to you) and that it will be difficult to transition from such an unsustainable diet into maintenance (which at least at some level you seem to recognize since you have already shifted yourself off 1200 calories already).

    Will you die eating only 1200 calories a day? No, not for a very long time. Is anyone here claiming you will die? No. Is it healthy? No, it really isn't. Not everyone sees the need to try to sprint to the finish line only to collapse in a heap. You seem to mock those who take it slow but honestly taking it slow is what allows you to keep all your muscle and easily transition to maintenance to keep the weight off. Not only that but the people "taking it slow" are typically losing 1-2 pounds a week so they are actually losing at about the same rate you are. To me that isn't a lack of willpower to force oneself to eat at a huge deficit, that is just someone being sensible.

    I have no interest in "fighting" you or "trolling" you but I'm not sure anyone really (including yourself) believes that eating 1200 calories a day is sustainable or won't result in muscle loss which is basically the only point anyone here is making.

    Here is the bottom line. The longer you stay at a huge caloric deficit the more muscle you will lose. Do with that as you will.

    Correct. I am trying to find out in my OP where I ever said that I was going on a 1200 Calorie diet for ever? I believe I said I started at 1200 to lose a lot fast then gradually increased my intake to slow the weight loss down. Sure, I can hit my goal weight in a month by eating less than 1000 calories a day. I chose to go low to lose a lot fast for motivation and to jump start my fat burn. If I was to jump to 2000 calories for "maintenance" I would gain weight because my body adjusted to 1200. That is why a gradual increase works and works well.

    The purpose of this post was to ensure those who are starting or new to the 1200 calorie diet know that it does work and you won't go into starvation mode and you won't jeopardize your success as long as you do it logically and safely and increase as needed. I no longer need to lose 3-5 pounds a week. I am happy with one pound. So what do I do? I increase my calories. Guess what will happen in 10 more pounds? I will increase my calories again....

    Am I a register dietician? No. Did I take health and wellness in College, yep. Was I involved with people who met with bariatric surgeons and mimicking their diet? Darn tootin'
  • ccm1912
    ccm1912 Posts: 39 Member
    I currently eat a diet of 1290 a day, on MFPs recommendations for me losing a pound a week. Often, im a couple hundred below or over when i finish up. but, I'm also a 5'2 female losing 10lbs. So, while sometimes im a little hungry, depending on what i chose to eat for the day, usually, in listening to my body and drinking 8 glasses of water a day, im just fine.

    I agree that 1200 is a bit low for a man, though. Like i said. Short female here. I feel like as a dude, i wouldn't even consider under 1500.
  • The anti-1200 calorie diet group's definition of "work" is to get fit and healthier.

    I love this quote. At one point, I weighed over 300 pounds, had sky high blood pressure, pre diabetic, knee injury was nagging due to weight. Yet, I went on the diet, blood pressure is stable, blood sugar controlled, knee feels great and I emotionally feel great... So your logic is flawed. I am healthier and fit, I just chose to do it my way and not yours. If I wanted abs of steel and an *kitten* that can snap wood, sure, I am doing the wrong thing. But if that is NOT what I want, I and others shouldn't be pigeoned holed.....
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    I don't know, i mean I am told on here that in order to lose i have to eat 1200 and it works for me!
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    bump for fun reading later :smokin:
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Wow. I only could get through the third page or so before I felt bad for many of the respondents. It is amazing how everyone here knows everything and will be the first to tell you such. People "speaking from experience" on how "horrible" the diet is need to remember, different people require different diets. Just because this diet did not work for you does not mean it won't work for others. All of these scary stats about the diet make me laugh. That is like me telling someone "DON'T DRIVE! There are so many deaths from driving! You should only take a plane because it is safer! I know this because I drove once and I got hurt but I have never been hurt flying."

    I am not a gym rat nor do I desire the "bulky, muscular body". I am still VERY strong but I would be lying to say I am not losing SOME muscle mass. However, I am not "Skinny fat" as many like to comment on.

    Here are two points I would like you to think about. One is medically proven and the other is logically proven. Lets start with the logical first.

    Logically speaking, you have a choice, 100 calories of McDonald's French Fries or 100 Calories of Celery. To put this in a visual comparison, think about 2/3 of a KID'S sized fries vs several stalks of celery. Which would make you FULLER and HEALTHIER? If I could only eat 100 calories, I would pick celery. Why? Because it will fill me up, keep me full longer AND supply nutrients. What would the McPuke fries do? Leave me hungry, sick and disgusted. Now, replace these foods with ANY foods. 100 Calories of ice cream vs 100 calories of chicken, etc. The logic of this diet is UNDENIABLE. You can NOT eat ANYTHING on a 1200 calorie diet. You have to eat QUALITY food. Now, some of you will still argue "well I eat bacon and eggs every morning. All I need to do is run an extra 4 miles to burn off the bacon" My response, DON'T EAT THE FREAKIN' BACON!!!! hahahaha Replace it with egg whites!

    Medically speaking. I have a few loved ones that underwent bariatric surgery. They had a gastric bypass. Guess how many calories they ate for two months post op? Not even 300 calories a day. Geeee, they lost weight dramatically, hair didn't fall out, nails didn't get brittle. Because like smart people, they took vitamins.... For the first few years, guess what their calorie intake went up to UNDER DOCTOR'S ORDERS????? 800-1000. Yes, flamers will argue "well, they were under doctor's care" No they weren't. They were given a post op diet and weighed in once a year for three years. They lost 200 pounds, look great and have kept it off. So please, random gym rat or upset yo-yo dieter, before you begin to tell people that it is impossible, unhealthy, or leads to eating disorders, think about the basis of this diet. I will believe 1000's of bariatric doctors before I believe some poster that likes to think they know everything because they lost 30 pounds by going to the gym.

    Those of you who made it this far into this thread and think 1200 calories is for you, try it. See what happens. If you begin to exhibit unhealthy symptoms, then stop. But don't believe everything you see on here. I have yet to have a problem other than needing to constantly update my wardrobe.

    Let the fighting begin.....

    Your logic is wrong, why would someone have to eat either celery or fries, why not both. You are also starting to display an unhealthy view of certain foods

    At the end of the day its difficult to take dietary advice from someone who once advised "Stop weighing yourself and just measure BMI."
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    The anti-1200 calorie diet group's definition of "work" is to get fit and healthier.

    I love this quote. At one point, I weighed over 300 pounds, had sky high blood pressure, pre diabetic, knee injury was nagging due to weight. Yet, I went on the diet, blood pressure is stable, blood sugar controlled, knee feels great and I emotionally feel great... So your logic is flawed. I am healthier and fit, I just chose to do it my way and not yours. If I wanted abs of steel and an *kitten* that can snap wood, sure, I am doing the wrong thing. But if that is NOT what I want, I and others shouldn't be pigeoned holed.....

    Fair enough. I guess I don't understand the willingness to knowingly lose muscle to save a couple months in terms of scale weight loss. That said if that was your plan then alright. Suppose I can't say I mind what you do.
This discussion has been closed.