

  • I could have written this post! I absolutely have "gym phobia"...I had a few bad experiences in college - too crowded, not knowing the etiquette, feeling foolish, out of my comfort zone and it kept me from going to gyms for years. I finally found one that isn't too crowded but is very clean and nice, and although it's more…
  • I can completely relate to how you feel. I have felt that so many times because of all the times I have done great, lost weight, and then fall off again, gained all the weight back. It's gotten to the point where I just can't "see" myself as a thin person. BUT, I did ta few things differently this time....I got very honest…
  • Hello! I'm new here and feel the same way. I 'lurked' in the different community threads for a while before finally posting. I do think that building a community is the key to our success. I've never actually put myself in a position of accountability - just quietly slip in and out of 'trying', and no one notices (well, at…
  • Hi everyone, I'm new to this group and although July is almost half over I thought I would post anyway, just to start the process of (hopefully) getting to know other women who are over 50 and struggling with their weight. I have gained so much weight since my hysterectomy a few years ago and I'm still trying to wrap my…
  • I'm interested too if it's not too late! Thanks!
  • Hello...I started taking Belviq about two weeks ago and so far it's great! I have tried to lose weight on my own so many times I've lost count...and I've been somewhat successful, but always 'fell off the wagon'. What I've realized after taking Belviq is that there's a difference between being full and being satiated. I…