New Diet Pills (Belviq vs Qsymia)


I've had a lot of success using diet pills to aid in weight loss in the past. I've used Adipex (Phentermine) and Fastin (Diethalpropion). I think diet pills are only good in the short term, as your body can get used to them and they aren't as effective... also, I know taking pills regularly isn't a good solution. ANYHOW, has anyone tried these new pills just relased by the FDA, Belviq or Qsymia? If so, any success? Also, what have your side effects been, if any? Thanks~


  • Hello...I started taking Belviq about two weeks ago and so far it's great! I have tried to lose weight on my own so many times I've lost count...and I've been somewhat successful, but always 'fell off the wagon'. What I've realized after taking Belviq is that there's a difference between being full and being satiated. I can eat a very moderate amount and feel truly satisfied, and while I don't ever feel stuffed, I have absolutely no desire to eat. I'm sticking to a healthy diet of about 1200 calories a day and am having no problems at all. Also, I have virtually no cravings, and find that I don't think think about food anymore, whereas before Belviq I thought about food all the time. I don't I've had any real side effects that I could directly attribute to Belviq...I had a tiny bit of dry mouth the first week, but just increased my water consumption. I also had a headache, but that only lasted about a week as well. I know it's only been two weeks, but so far so good! I wasn't comfortable considering Qsymia because the side effects seemed a bit extreme. Oh, also my insurance pays for about 75% of the monthly cost (normal cost is $200/month and I pay $40). Are you on it yet? Considering it?
  • WOW! That's really great news. I did start on it and I don't feel anything. It's been about two weeks. I'm thinking about taking Qsymia now or getting back on Phentermine. They actually made me feel full and I stoppped thinking about food as well. I've had two other friends start on Belviq and they had terrible migraines and nausea. Well I'm so happy for you! I'd love to hear about your progress hun!

  • Hi,
    I've been taking Belviq for 5 wks since it came out on Jun 12,2013. It is great and I have lost some serious pounds and over 3" off the belly. There are no side effects and it simply stops the cravings. As far as Qsymia, my wife tried that and got very sick so she stopped. Not everyone responds to Belviq, you are the first I've heard of that has not responded. What you might try and will soon be recommended for people that do not respond is a combination of Belviq and phentermine. You are taking the 2 tablets a day of the Belviq about 12 hrs apart if possible? Well I hope you find something that helps you. You have to give these things time and you do have to make the changes to what you eat, it's not a magic potion.
  • Hi,
    I had tried the Belviq free trial for two weeks and didn't really use it correctly as I am not very good at remembering to take the second dose. But last week I filled the prescription and have been very compliant taking it. It is true, I do not even think to eat. It will be like three in the afternoon, and I will think 'gosh, I didn't even remember to eat lunch. So, that is when I have a healthy, well thought out snack. Not a ravenously-hungry, grab anything I can reach kind of find kind of unhealthy snack.
    I have not weighed myself and I will not until I have been on it for at least two weeks.
    But I am optimistic..and that is not something I can say about anything I have ever tried. And I have tried side effects, just didn't do anything to decrease my appetite.
    Hope this helps.
  • graceacruz
    graceacruz Posts: 17 Member
    I've been taking Belviq for 6-7 weeks now and have lost ~17 pounds. I started at just over 218. I am not one of those who has zero appetite. Less definitely... like I can go 4-5 hours without thinking about food but when dinner time rolls around, I am hungry. I am satisfied with less and even over Thanksgiving where I overate and felt gross, it still was not NEARLY as many calories as I'd have typically put away. I mean, I was too stuffed to have pumpkin pie... and I LOVE pumpkin pie!! Especially with lots of whipped cream. LOL

    As far as side effects, well, I don't seem to get them anymore. I just feel... normal. I get a little dry mouth if I haven't eaten much but that would happen without the medication. In the beginning, the side effects were there but very mild. I had a headache first week (went away with ibuprofen), some fatigue and dizziness (went away in 2 weeks) and had been sleeping more and definitely more soundly. In the beginning, I would be out instantly and slept 9-11 hrs (if I could!) That went away and now my sleep pattern is the normal 7-8 hrs. I just don't wake up is my husband is rustling around or getting out of bed (he has restless legs) so the sound sleep is still there.

    For me, it was a God-send. I have some endocrine problems and losing weight has a uphill, soul-sucking, battle. If you happen to be a responder, it's a great drug.

    P.S. My insurance didn't cover it, so my doctor filled out the patient assistance forms for me. Now, all I pay is a $25 copay per mo. Not sure how long that will last, but for now it really helps a lot.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,142 Member's a busy work night, eh guys.

    I love this place, it's exciting.
  • Can you tell me how to get the patient assistance papers? Does my doc have to do it for me?
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member's a busy work night, eh guys.

    I love this place, it's exciting.

    What, you mean the people with ~10 posts aren't long-term members of MFP who display good judgement on a regular basis?
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Hi ALL,

    I've had a lot of success using diet pills to aid in weight loss in the past.

    And you will have "that" success again. It's just the short term nature of the success that bugs me. I'm here to get healthy. Last time for me.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    I've had a lot of success using diet pills to aid in weight loss in the past.

    You must have a curious definition of past success given that you seem to be embarking on yet another attempt to lose weight. Your ticker says you have 38 pounds you want to lose, and your blurb says you want to stop yo-yo dieting...May I kindly suggest that diet pills are the exact opposite of what you should be doing.
  • Pinpin1
    Pinpin1 Posts: 6
    I think diet pills are a good way to help jump start your journey to successful weight loss for those who are really trying to change. I started qysmia on the 10th of March . As of last week I loss 15 pounds already. I have cut back on calories and certain types of foods that I feel I over indulge in. I also joined a gym and exercise frequently. Today I start my first increased dosage and I'm excited because I think I will probably loose weight even faster..
  • Pinpin1
    Pinpin1 Posts: 6
    You should try qysmia. You will see weight loss fast.. Give it time for your body will adjust. It didn't exactly make me fill full at first but as days went on it did. I'm down 15 pounds since the 10th.
  • hello, I am starting using Phenterpill, is a natural diet pill and it is helping me a lot. it is a over prescription pill, 100% natural.
  • Nahuali
    Nahuali Posts: 1
    Markckramono- what kind of results are you getting? I used Garcinia for a while is was ok, but interested in using Phenterpill. I admit, I could increase my workout schedule from little to some.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I think diet pills are a good way to help jump start your journey to successful weight loss for those who are really trying to change. I started qysmia on the 10th of March . As of last week I loss 15 pounds already. I have cut back on calories and certain types of foods that I feel I over indulge in. I also joined a gym and exercise frequently. Today I start my first increased dosage and I'm excited because I think I will probably loose weight even faster..
    You don't need to jumpstart weight loss, there is no reason too. Eat at a calorie deficit and you will LOSE weight.

    What's the hurry with getting weight off? Slower is sustainable, diet pills are a quick fix. Once you don't do pills anymore and start eating normally, be prepared for your weight to come back on.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Diet pills are bad, mmmkay?
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    Diet pills are bad, mmmkay?

    +1 - Because when you stop taking them - problems start up again...just like doing a diet, and then stopping the diet. Diet and exercise is always the best way for a long term solution.

    It is important to get into good habits. Glad it is working for you. Good luck!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I just took this part from your profile: "I'm tired of being tired and I want to change my lifestyle to be healthier, so I can have more energey to play with my son and so I can stop "yo-yo" dieting whenever swimming suit season comes!"

    If you are tired of yo yo dieting and want to change your lifestyle to be healthier, give up the diet pills and the fad diets, and start learning about nutrition, portion control, and moderation.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    To the OP and others who have responded. You are not going to recieve very much support in this community for the use of diet pills. I will keep my personal opinion to myself and tell you that the majority opinion of the community is to lose weight in a healthy sustained way through diet and possibly exercise. The general idea is, when you use a product to "jump start" you arent really learning how to manage your food/energy balance in a healthy way. You will hear many say to eat at a calorie deficit while maintaining a balanced diet and you will lose weight at a nice healthy pace and be able to keep it off and avoid the perverbial yo-yo. Good luck to you all.