

  • Hi--losing weight can be daunting--but I've lost 65 lb and have 45 more to go--right now I'm stuck in the 160's and I keep losing and regaining the same 4 lbs, but I keep going because of my 4 children and my 4 grandchildren. I want to see them graduate and go onto do wonderful things. I know its scary--it was for me too,…
  • I agree with adding the ankle weights..I'm also a walker, but I add minutes to the walk following some advice of an article that I read in walking magaziine...if your sister-in-law can't walk faster, can she walk longer? the longer the walk the more calories exoended!
  • To exercise more or less? If I exercise more I can eat more, or does that defeat the diet?
  • Good for you! The decision is made now one foot in front of the other. Good luck.
  • Hi, read your post and I drink regular water, bottled water and things that fill the bill and count as water---which are: iced tea-unsweetened of course, or sweetened with lo-cal sweetener, crystal light flavored drinks, flavored water is good, just check the calorie count that its not a high count, all these count as…
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