

  • I will pray for you to get the right help. God knows what you are suppose to weigh and what is healthy for your height/shape/body. Seek Him and he can help you. He cares for you and knit you in your mothers womb...who else knows you more than Him. His desire is to be there to help...always.
  • I have had a VM for over a year and we use it EVERYDAY. We can tell a difference from a blender and a VM. They can blend anything we really enjoy having it. The company has been great, too. Bought ours at Costco b/c they have the best price and warranty.
    in Vitamix? Comment by lafeye April 2012
  • I keep reminding myself that "if you don't quit you win!" You can do it. One meal at a time, one day at a time, one decision at a time.
    in Motivation Comment by lafeye April 2012
  • Good Job! I have been eating more to weigh less also...the scale has not gone down but my pants are too big...I am on wk 2 of JM Body Revolution...hoping it gets better every week.
  • I was having bad knee pain to the point that I could not do my exercises for a week or so and it was hard to bend down and care for the kiddos... then I realized that I was doing my squats wrong! After resting for the week and slowly getting back into the workouts, I started to do them correctly and have no more pain. Not…
  • Hello and welcome! May you be strengthened in your walk with Jesus today. I lost a baby in June 09' and gained twenty pounds in about two months, then got pregnant two months later. i feel like it has been a struggle since I was young that is in my heart and the outward things that happened to me just fueled the struggle.…
  • Hi! When I had my 2nd baby, all I did for exercise was walk. I cut out chips, soda and sweets , too and lost 15 pounds. I think it works. If you walk quickly you may get your heart rate up more and burn more calories! Any movement works our bodies and counts. If you don't quit you win. You can do it!! I'm here if you need…
  • I was going to reply to the post, to say"cry out to God and He will deliver. Seek Him with all of your heart and He will b found and He will give you rest." That is all true! But the Lord used all of you to minister to me. I read things that helped me! Thank you all! I'll b praying for you.
  • Hello, I'm Tonya and I am a SAHM with four kiddos...2 boys who are 12 and 10 and 2 girls who are 2 and 10 months. They are such a joy to raise. I am blessed to b with them everyday and learn who they are and how to love them! We homeschool and my husband has always been super supportive of my being here and raising our…
    in Hi! Comment by lafeye March 2012
  • You should try to eat all your calories alotted to you...I eat more to weigh less. I eat my mfp calories and then my exercise calories, too. It has worked and I have continued to lose instead of stalling. I do not feel hungry or deprived either. Don't be to discouraged...If you don't quit, you Win!
  • I'd be happy to be can do IT!! We can do it together...
  • Very good!!!! So proud of you...dedication works.