

  • When you exercise, your metabolism stays up all day. Eating the calories you burn off doesn't mean you just undid everything you did during your workout.
  • 5'6" and I have different sizes between my bust, waist, and butt. I'm hoping to get between 130-135, since that is the middle of the normal range for the bmi for someone my hight. However, I've been getting stuck at the 150 area...grrrr!
  • Hey from Alex! Great job!
  • Don't beat yourself up over messing up on the weekends. Whenever I visit my parents for the weekend, there's no way I could stay on track...I'm pretty sure I would totally ruin the rest of the week after the weekend if I stayed on track for those two days. I've decided that I'm okay with taking two steps forward and one…
  • Hey! I'm in the same boat. I started on here a while ago, but just stopped using the site after one meal. However, I am starting again today, and plan to keep it up until I reach my goal weight before the end of the year. I'm from a very wintery area of the US, so I have to do a lot of my exercising inside. I've actually…
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