

  • Hey! Does anyone know of a good site to check to find out how many calories you burn doing a certain activity? I'm particularly interested to find out how many I burn doing a Ravi and Ana Kundalini Yoga DVD. I can't find info on the calories burned anywhere! Thanks! Tracy
  • Thanks for the info, everyone. I really appreciate the advice and insight!
  • I just have to say...I just discovered Stoneyfield Farms' Organic Fat Free Chocolate Underground is SO delicious! I LOVE chocolate, and this is a great way to feed the craving while still being healthy. I recommend it to anyone who likes a little chocolate in their lives. :smile:
  • Hi everyone! I'm a newby here too...just started keeping track of everything on Sunday. My best friend mentioned the site and it looks really great!! There's one thing I want to make sure I understand correctly, though... So, MFP told me my base calorie count per day with no exercise is 1200 calories to lose 1 lb a week.…
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