Rbom82 Member


  • I think I need to look into my thyroid function. My PCP has tested it in the past but he said it was fine. The last test was about 2 years ago. The reason I think my thyroid might be an issue is because I have 2 sisters with hypo(?)active thyroid and they struggle with their weight as well. Maybe I need to be more…
  • I'm in. I want to lose 40lbs by my daughter's 4th birthday July 19th. We should totally start a group.
  • I have been having so much trouble with my fibro. I actually am out on Short Term Disability from work at the moment. I started drinking diet soda and coffee during the holidays. I hadn't had any kind of caffeine before that for several years. And I am a total carbaholic. Where I work I have access to Auntie Anne's…