

  • Finding it really difficult to eat more protein for breakfast bus less carbs...eggs and ham shout sandwich at me lol. I know I've been eating crap this week to be honest but I knew if I didn't start tracking now I never would. Starting eating "properly" again tomorrow, as in cooking dinners. I know this sounds really…
  • What would you reccomend in the morning? I've never been all that imaginitive with breakfast.
  • I left the house at 7.30am this morning and honestly if I didn't have a watch (or y'know, planned when I had to go to work) it coulda been 3am. It was ridiculously dark. Roll on next weekend for the clock changes.
  • Can I just clarify it's like 3pm - not before lunch - just incase anyone thinks I'm totally insane lol.
  • I think the gross factor outweighs the calories!!
  • Unfortunately, I have tried that lol. Deep fried mars bar anyone?
  • Ehm. I'm not sure? I think we probably do. I'm not a big fan of chippies but I think you can get sausages either with batter or without
  • I don't get how I can be dehydrated after drinking nearly 2l of water? Maybe I should slow down my water intake?
  • I've not totally quit though - I had a can of diet coke with my lunch (330ml) and yesterday had can with lunch and a glass with dinner. However, I was drinking around 600ml per day before, plus whatever I had when I went home.
  • Not that I ever refer to myself as a Brit...but I'm from Glasgow :)
  • I don't think of it as cheating - if I want a take away, I'll have one as long as it's been a while and I've been "good" recently. If I deprive myself of stuff I'll be more likely to fall off the wagon. My downfall in the past was having a take away one night and then thinking the next day that I'd "ruined it" and falling…
  • As I said, I'm not NOT exercising, I'm just dieting more than exercising. I'm playing badminton tonight for the first time since school (good 6 years ago now!) so hopefully I enjoy that like I used to.
  • While you guys are here - I have a quick question or two. Is there such thing as too much water? I've drank about 2litres so far today (I have no idea what that is in "cups") and I'm playing badminton tonight so I'll no doubt drink more. Also, if I exercise and the calories come off my "total" - should I make that back up…
  • I'm not doing no exercise so hopefully as I shift some more weight then I'll be more confident about doing more exercise. I also suffer from hyperhidrosis which is basically excess sweating so exercise kills me with embarassment.
  • I have a serious diet pepsi/pepsi max problem. At one point I was drinking 2-3 cans of Irn Bru per day and when I started on Weight Watchers I figured I better cut it out - so I cut right down and replaced it partially with diet pepsi until I convinced myelf that I liked it. Now I'm hooked. If I don't watch I can drink two…
  • Added you :) I don't find it hard to exercise as much as I generally just hate exercise - but a 8.30am-5pm job doesn't make it easy!