

  • No, It's not poor food choices. I'm eating healthier than I ever have in my life.
  • I had heard about wellbutrin and I tried it about 6 months ago. It made me gain even more than my first medication!!! I was so frustrated. It really messed with my head too. I am glad to hear that you have had such good results with it though!!
  • I definitly love the True Blood show too!! I really want to go buy the Charlaine Harris series now. From the show I can tell they are way more adult then the Twilight saga, which I am totally up for! I'm going to Florida to visit my grandmother in 2 weeks, so I think I'll bring them with me on the plane!! I am curious to…
  • Hey there, Has anyone read the Twilight Saga? These books are so addictive!!! I am completely obsessed!!!!!!:love: I am in looooveee with them!!
  • I can read on the treadmill, but on the elliptical I get dizzy!! But another tip to keep your book flat is using a clipboard. Just clip the pages under and it stays great!!
  • Thanks to everyone for their responses! I'm going to take away the advice to take it one day at a time. I need to get past that "I'll do it tomorrow" mentality though!!
  • this isnt really a motivational tip, but maybe while you are on the machines at the gym, you could try listening to an audiobook. if its a good story, you'll want to keep listening!!!
  • Hi Everyone, I have used my fitness pal once before, but then got away from it. I am now going to try it again and really try to stick to it! I'm having weight issues after being on an antidepressant. I know I am not the only one with this problem, but I feel like I have no luck!! All the research I've done about this has…
  • Hey nicole, I'm in college too and I definitely put on the pounds when I started. It is hard to eat healthy in the dining areas but, just do your best to stay away from the fried foods and pizza and try eating more salads, fruit and veggies, or healthy sandwiches without too much condiments. For snacks instead of cookies…
    in Hi Comment by Gina2887 October 2007