RMayHicks Member


  • Hi all! I missed the weigh in last week. However, neither last week nor this week did I see a change. It's okay because I found out last week I have Lyme Disease which explains why I have not energy to workout! One month of antibiotics and I should be back in shape. So, I am happy to maintain until I have the energy to…
  • Still at 147.5 but I had TONS of NSVs so I can't complain. Water intake is good but physical activity could be better and plan to step it up this week. Everyone have a great week and keep up the good work!
  • Ok, stayed the same since last week. But that's okay considering I was stress eating as I worked towards a deadline we celebrated our daughter's 10th birthday this past weekend. Water intake was great but didn't get to exercise as much as I wanted. So, this week I'll try to workout more and take more healthy snacks to my…
  • No weight change from last week; however LOTS of NSVs!!!! Hoping to see a loss this week. You all are doing great and if you do get discouraged remember slow and steady wins the race!
  • Only lost 0.3 pounds this week but to date have lost 6 pounds and am now 149! Challenges for me this week is to continue my water intake and excercise 4 times this week.
  • Very busy day and did not drink as much water as I planned! Weighed in this AM and am 151! Was hoping to have shed more but can't complain. Completed 100 crunches and 100 push ups this morning. Tomorrow I hope to get to a yoga class, if not I'll work out at home I did stay within my calorie goal and walked passed the bowls…
  • I'd like to participate!:smile:
  • Hello! Please count me in too. I'm 46, married with one daugher who will be 10 on October 1. I recently joined MFP via the iPhone app and just recently started using website today. My challenges for the remainder of this weekend and next week are: 8 glasses of water daily Gym 2 times for 60 min. SW - 152 GW - 136 (Dec 25)…
  • I'd like to join. I am 5'3" currently 152 and would like to lose 10% of my weight by Christmas. Ultimate goal is 130.