

  • nursing instructor :)
  • I think you have to change your activity level like from active, light active sedentary something like that
  • after the work outs I was under an average of 500-700 calories a day. My alloted calories before the exercise is 1940 or something so I'm eating believe Just doesn't seem to get anywhere when you are doing everything it says to do and the message you get will be xx weight in so many weeks when you…
  • I just saw on the biggest loser Jillian herself said if you treat yourself it will always fool the body into what you are doing so you don't hit a plateau so badly so maybe it's not necessarily a bad thing
  • I think another poster had the same thoughts...where did he get the 17K plus the attorney fee yet cant pay his monthly obligation. That is amazing me. I'm in the same position, my ex owes 12k in back support so not nearly as much. It sounds easy in the US but it's not, they have taken his driver's license...big deal...he…
  • Yes you can drink too much water, it's a condition called water intoxication and can be potentially fatal. Basically it throws your electrolytes off especially sodium. I've seen many patients come into the hospital with it and they have to have IV fluids to rebalance the sodium. Seems odd because they have consumed so many…
  • Thanks everyone for the welcome! I guess getting closer to 40 and the fact that my b/f is 24 (lol..yes I AM a cougar this time around) has made me realize that I need to get healthier period. I like the support so far..thanks so much again!
  • thank you, yes the tools and counters are a real eyeopener. Sometimes you have no clue what you have been putting in your mouth until you see it right there in print! I know since I've been watching what I eat what the numbers are I cringe to think what they were before, sometimes I think for a test I would try to put what…
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