

  • Anytime I start trying to eat right and get back in shape I go through my fridge and pantry....if it's junk food or not healthy for me it goes in the garbage! I make sure my kitchen is stocked with healthy snacks. That way if I do ever over snack I don't feel too bad since it's healthy snacks! Also I have found that if I…
  • I always sneak in my own snacks : ) Even when I was younger and wasn't calorie counting I would bring my own pop and candy....movie theater snacks are too dang expensive! : )
  • I LOVE the Smart Ones Sundaes!!
  • I usually do pretty good with a banana.
  • I just got done with day 4 of my 30 Day Shred and now I am watching Go Diego Go (due to the fact that I am babysitting my 3 year old nephew) while eating a yummy Berry Almond Chicken salad from Wendy's. Next....lot's of house work. Ah man I need to get a life....lol.