

  • Ok, I weighed again today and with all the emotional junk I sucked down, surprisingly I didn't gain either. But, I'm only drinking water this week, only 1 helping and frozen yogurt if I need something sweet. Thursday of course will be a challenge. But. I think I'll stay home and have a selfish me day while the family goes…
  • Steam from a shower or the old steaming bowl with towel over your head. Tea with honey, Metamucil works wonders. My sister has high blood pressure and she can't take this so she takes Robutussin. Keep a vaporizor or humidifier on. Hope you feel better soon.
  • Ok, I forgot to post my weight last week so I'm doing 2 this week. I'm trying a new eating plan for myself this week so hopefully the 2 pounds I gained I will lose again. I have little self control. I'm an emotional eater, so since I know this I just have to concentrate on something else. My goal is to lose 40 pounds by…
  • Ok so it begins. This is my first challenge and post to this site, so any helpful hints for weight loss or post is appreciated. Good Luck everyone. From previous post I see you all are already successful, so I strive to be included. Cheri SW - 205lbs (Tuesday Nov 1) Week 1 - xxx lbs (Tuesday Nov 8 ) Week 2 - xxx lbs…
  • I've never done a challenge, but would like to try. Losing any would be great, 10 would be awesome.