

  • I have also been wondering about it, but from some of the replies sounds like I need to get one. maybe that will get the kids off the couch. The only thing they get a work out on is their thumbs... :laugh: If it tracks your weight that will help me out. Then I can really see what a running program will do as far as weight…
  • jotting down in memory note pad... thanks for the advice... :bigsmile:
  • sets and repition will be the factor on toning or strenght. light weights with more reps will tone heavy weights with less reps will strength as far as sets, some do the pyrimad set, or times you can start off high example 14reps then cut down by two (reps) after each set till you do at least four sets or more if you want.…
  • yes i watched the movie several times.
  • wow :bigsmile: this is a lot of support and thanks to all. trying to get back in the running process. :glasses: and eat responsibly too... :bigsmile:
  • thank you two for the greetings. :bigsmile:
  • Hello everyone, new here and looking to get things going. :tongue:
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