Scottgriesser Member


  • 1. Set your weight loss goal to the max (2lbs per week for we USA folks, would roughly equal 5kg over 31 days) 2. Follow the caloric intake suggestion. 3. See how you did. Not knowing your current stats and all that, I'm just going to assume that it is a reasonable goal and you aren't trying to turn into a skeleton.
  • 2lb a week is aggressive but fine with your stats. Your issue is the activity setting. You are not sedentary. Also, the goal calculators are best guesses based on stats. Some people will have a higher or lower BMR. You have to track your intake/exercise for a few weeks (I'd suggest 6) at least to be able to determine what…
  • 1000's of other posts on the topic. Short answer: Some like it, some don't. If it helps you hit caloric goals, great. If not, don't do it. All it is is an eating schedule. Nothing fancy about it.
  • Most people consider sex to be an important part of a lasting relationship. (not always) Most people enjoy having sex with someone they are emotionally and physically attracted to. (not always) Most people consider honesty to be an important foundation of a lasting relationship. (Always?) Being honest is not necessarily…
  • As long as you are just using it as a way to control caloric intake and are not buying into the "magic weight loss window" some people seem to believe it is, IF can be used to great effect. So can just adhering to your caloric limit while eating 12 meals a day, however. I'd wager most find it easier to eat 2 larger meals…
  • Thread got derailed... OP- You are confusing a minimum for a maximum. "The DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per pound. This amounts to: 56 grams per day for the average sedentary man. 46 grams per day for the average sedentary woman. Though this meager amount…
  • Many on the thread seem to be missing the point... This isn't a "help me not drink while out with friends so I don't get the munchies" thread. This is "what can I do to not *kitten* up my week of work because I decided to have a few" thread. Some people like to drink and like it even more when around others. The…
  • Yup, many many many people are in the same boat. Options are continue to lose weight, or recomp your body ( build muscle) Fat leaves where it chooses to leave from. Building muscle around the area will help hide it, but it won't leave until you lose the weight.
  • You can lose weight eating only twinkies if ya like as weight loss is about calories not macros, but your body would prefer if you threw some real food at it too. Same thing goes for macros. Sure carb heavy, protein heavy, or fat heavy diets can all work, but in most cases a more balanced approach is advisable. Shortest…
  • I believe another reason why they are a bit more mainstream/popular/whatever you wanna call it is because of increased use of cell phones. That shoulders in / neck down for hours a day is increasing the amount of "hunch backed nerdnecks" we have in society. Myself included. This is one of the best corrective exercises for…
  • To be near 100% accurate, yes. To get a rough estimate, no. Which is more rough of an estimate, btw, a scale that you step on and spits out numbers, or a chart you look at on the internet that asks your height and weight? People seem to be locking onto the "all athletes" portion of what I said instead of the point behind…
  • The gym equipment calorie burns are almost always 20-40% higher than they actually are. So we've found at least 2 things that are messing up your numbers. You should absolutely be eating back at least some of your exercise calories, but if you aren't and you are still gaining weight then I'm betting that your intake…
  • People use BMI because it is the easiest way to measure progress and is likely to be completely applicable to them. I get that and will concede that it is true. However, I do not feel that a system where everyone would agree that an individual is the pinnacle of health is considered overweight/obese is a system that…
  • It is always annoying to be told you are doing something wrong, but that is almost assuredly the case here. Whether your target is wrong, or your logging is wrong, something isn't right. Weight loss isn't linear, but if nothing has changed in 2 months, then you are either pregnant or have incorrect numbers somewhere. Do…
  • No harm in trying em out. Throw a few of them at the end of every workout for a month. I'll bet it improves. I too have a partial tear in my non-repaired shoulder and that is actually the shoulder where I felt the pain the most. I should do the stretches I mentioned more than I do, but the combination of the two certainly…
  • Ok, when I said athlete, I really should have been more specific. I was talking about sports stars. Football, hockey, baseball, soccer...not runners and cyclists. That's my bad.
  • The exercise is fantastic for those with rotator cuff injuries (past and present), as well as, a great shoulder mobility and posture corrector. It isn't really designed to be a replacement for any major back lift. It is designed to help hit some commonly undertrained muscles. Just speaking anecdotally, I was really…
  • I got a little too negative here which may have caused this whole thread to get derailed... my bad. Just don't want misinformation being spread. People cannot eat however much they want on a Keto diet and lose weight. The OP apparently can. You know why? Because him eating however much he wants is still in a caloric…
  • Naw man, he has a specific water reservoir built in him and that's where the water weight came from. This "your entire body holds water so losing water weight will make you look thinner" *kitten* is just some mumbo jumbo. All that science gobbledegook about "Carb intake being restricted causes glycogen stores in the…
  • I meal prep for 6 days eating two meals a day. So 12 meals. All cooking is done on the weekend. I almost always have 1 of those 2 meals being chicken, broccoli, and rice. It is just so cheap and easy to make fit whatever macro/calorie count you want. (plus is very easy to change the flavor profile of with just some spices…
  • Here is the issue OP and OP defenders: YOU may be able to eat all you want on the Keto diet and still lose weight without counting. However, different people want to eat different amounts. If they end up eating too much, they gain. In your case, you are not eating too much, so you are losing. Counting those calories or…
  • Gotta be trollin
  • CICO is amazing. Glad whatever you are doing is working for you, though.
  • This will work on most cooked meats. I've had to do it myself. However, not everything works out to be 4oz raw=3oz cooked. And good luck ever trying to figure out rice...
  • Seems like you pretty much got it, but wanted to add something only because you mentioned bmi. BMI is quite possibly the worst thing to go off of. Every single athlete in the world is obese/morbidly obese based on BMI. Lean body mass vs weight (body fat%) is a far more indicative form of measurement if you want to use one.
  • Depends on what the nutrition label says. Most often it is raw/uncooked. If it says nothing, it is raw/uncooked. Waiting til after to weigh it then using a raw/uncooked label will totally jack up your numbers.
  • IF is an eating schedule to fit one's lifestyle or help control intake by enforcing a time limit. That is all. There are no magical weight loss properties to it. I do it, because for some reason it is easier for me to hit my goals by eating two larger meals rather than 3 (or more) smaller meals. As was noted above, your…
  • I'm all for people doing whatever eating plan works for them, and I try to be open to ideas however much I disagree with them. Saying keto dieters don't lose muscle or have a reduced metabolic rate after weight loss is shady at best. This implies that no other diet/lifestyle can provide that. Happens right around the…
  • Weight loss is CICO, calories in vs calories out. You can have any macro breakdown you want and that fact will remain the same. Macros have more to do with health, body structure, satiety, and basic enjoyment. Personally, as I'm trying to retain the most muscle mass I can while I lose weight, I'm really only concerned with…
    in Macros Comment by Scottgriesser May 2019