Whatsthemotive Member


  • I've been on a flight where they weighed EVERY passenger and every bag. It held about 8 people and flew over the Caribbean Ocean from one island to another. I think they even decided where people sat based upon weight. For a plane that size, weight distribution was a big deal.
  • I don't do the intense exercise that many of you do, but even with my little chair exercises with 5 pound dumbbells, I find that I have LESS hunger/craving than when I don't do the workout. It doesn't make me extra hungry. Maybe that's because a lot of my "hunger" is really boredom or anxiety that the exercise helps me…
  • My work has a similar program. Individual coaching and mental health therapy (employee assistance plan) are also included. Maybe use those resources. And maybe the logging program is not for you. My work program has weight loss as one of several activities. You are only encouraged to log food and weigh in (weekly, not…
  • I have mixed emotions about this. I don’t know if she has an eating disorder and I hope that if she does she is getting treatment. And I think our culture does encourage people, especially women snd girls, to try to achieve thinness at the cost of health. But if someone is morbidly obese, losing weight in a sensible way…
  • Maybe work on slower weight loss and sustainable life style changes. Like working out three times a week and trying for a smaller calorie deficit. It sounds like when you are in weight loss mode you are devoting a tremendous amount of time and energy to it and maybe neglecting other aspects of your life. And that you don’t…
  • Okay. What everyone else said about weight fluctuations and weight loss not being a linear process is correct. Here’s another thought. You’ve invested some time and effort and you don’t want to waste that effort by giving up. Also. If you hang on and do the work, you will have a significant weight loss. When you lose five…
  • Social media has a way of making you feel heard and like you are connecting with people when you really aren’t. In a void, her comments seem silly. In the context provided, the comments can evoke empathy. I’ve had two incidents when I drank too much and posted stuff on Facebook I was embarrassed about. Both were when I was…
  • Good for you! You accomplished something really hard when you quit smoking. And you’ve proven you can do hard things. You know you can lose the weight because you know you can do difficult things when it’s important.
  • I understand the dislike of labeling products as "guilt-free." I guess I just have always expected that there would be advertising and actions by others that are annoying to me, just as it is likely that I annoy others. I think we need to learn that we have to tolerate annoyance and keep from having unrealistic…
  • Thank you. I’m partly anxious about this because I’m anxious about the return to the world in general. I did a lot of fast food lunches when I was last in the office so even though the choices seem obvious it’s daunting. I feel like I’m losing a lot of control over my environment. There will be vending machines and people…
  • Sounds ridiculous to me. From what you describe, the shop provides options. If you want a place that doesn’t provide options, go to that place. I’ve never had an ED, so people with that life experience might convince me otherwise.
  • I felt this way when I started in January. I’ve lost 23 pounds since. I was feeling pressured to prepare food everyone else wanted. I figured out that (1) I can eat meals others eat but adjust portions and skip foods that don’t fit my plan (I can have one or two slices of pizza and a big salad, but I can’t have 4 or 5…
  • My hope for all in the community is that they achieve goals that support their health. Including me. I have considerable work to do on myself. I only spoke up because I have known people who ended up harming their health through excessive food control and exercise, through a desire to be a very low weight, and on the other…
  • I was just referring to the article you linked, which stated that the panelists recommended a BMI of 21 to 23. Again, this is the source you provided. And again, the decision has to be that of the individual and his medical provider.
  • According to the cited article, the healthy BMI range is 21 to 23. The low end of that range is right at 145 pounds for someone who is 5’10”. In any event, none of us can make decisions for another. I think people were expressing legitimate concerns that someone might be setting a goal which was not healthy. People do harm…
  • Sure, being one pound under the healthy range isn’t going to kill you. If it occurs naturally, like it did with my brother, it’s smart to monitor and adjust diet so you don’t lose more. The issue here is that the poster set this very low weight as the goal. What possible mentally healthy reason can there be to believing…
  • “Close to underweight “
  • I have a brother who has always tended to be underweight. He’s 5’ 11” and has ranged from 135 to 145 most of his life. He worked a corporate job where he worked 60-70 hours a week. His doctor expressed concern and he was under instructions to increase his calorie intake. He’s now retired and works out regularly. He didn’t…
  • The poster said he was 5 ‘ 10” and wanted to be 130 or less. According to the BMI charts, 129 is the lowest for normal, and less than 129 is underweight. Is it healthy to feel that you must be at or below the lowest weight that is not underweight? I don’t know anything about the poster, but I suspect that those who care…
  • I second what others have said. Work with your counselor. You have come through a lot and y9u have a lot to be proud of. Be kind to yourself. .
  • Any sort of obsessive behavior can be harmful. Hoarding can be harmful, obsessive tidiness can be harmful, obsessive eating can be harmful, obsessive exercise and food control can be harmful, obsessing over one's body appearance can be harmful. Maybe that's why people cringe when others express that they are going to have…
  • A few more pounds and I will be "overweight," and not "obese."
  • I use cauliflower rice sometimes. And I don’t think there’s a rule that you can only eat 1/2 a cup of pasta. Unless that’s a keto thing. I’m not doing low carb, just calories. You can eat more is if you build it into your calories.
  • Thank you. And rosebarnalice, I have been told I needed an ankle replacement. I had bone spur removal to put it off for a while.
  • Keens are great. Finns are good if you need a lot of support. I've also had some great luck with Merritt.
  • Congratulations!!! You have put in the work and have made great changes to improve your life. Very inspiring.
  • I have serious ankle problems and have been doing seated exercises from HASfit. I’m sure they would not be challenging enough for you, but maybe you could modify them to work for you? By using heavy dumbbells? Just a thought.