mtaratoot Member


  • I had considered dropping off my car at the boat ramp about a half mile from my house, putting my bike rack on my truck, putting my canoe on top of my truck, and driving about 12 miles to a put-in upstream. Then I was going to drive my canoe home and bike to pick up my truck and put the bike on the rack and bring it home.…
  • The chile plants won't survive the winter. That green stuff looks like algae. Beetroots definitely get VERY woody if you leave them in the ground too long. I like to plant some in August (or even July) and in my zone they will overwinter just fine and you can harvest them all winter and even into spring. I need to get some…
  • HEAVIEST weight: 175.4 in early 2013. Total Weight lost: 30 pounds Time it took to lose: ~6 months How long in maintenance: Since July 2018 -- but with some fluctuation outside of goal range. Maintenance weight range: Ideally 142-148 Absolutely 140-156 (STILL not sure those are the right answers) Weight History: Average…
  • I leave some scrap paper (mostly used envelopes and the like) and a couple pens next to my scale. When I cook something, I weigh ingredients as I add them to the pan. I can just use an empty yogurt container, tare it once, add ingredients to it from the cutting board, and toss it on the scale before throwing it into the…
  • It helps to have amazing things to get images of.
  • It had leaves that reminded me of a cross between Bleeding Heart and Columbine. I didn't recognize it. A friend thought it might be an impatiens that has become invasive. It didn't look like an invasive to me. I did a search for "Wildflowers of Silver Falls" and found out that it's Corydalis scouleri. Turns out it IS…
  • Heaviest weight: 175.4 in early 2013. Original MFP starting weight (January 2018): 168.2 January 1, 2024 Weight: 155.4 (10-day average 155.8) March 30 (Starting Weight for this challenge): 148.4 (10-day average 149.2) April goal: Get back to lower end of maintenance weight range Ultimate goal: Stay in maintenance range…
  • I went to visit the Trail of Ten Falls again yesterday. The last two times I went it was sunny. Even though it was a weekday, it was crowded. Yesterday was pretty nasty out, so it wasn't very crowded at all. Thank goodness for waterproof clothes and good boots. It's a bit more than ten miles. A little less than 1200 feet…
  • Ten plus mile hike on the Trail of Ten Falls. It was a quite rainy day, so there were a lot fewer people than my last two visits. There were lots more wildflowers though.
  • Get the 2" hitch, not an adapter. Even if you don't need a Class 3 hitch, why not get one if that's what it was supposed to be? They are beefier and will tow 5000 pounds with more tongue weight than a Class 2 hitch. My RAV4 is only rated to tow 3500 pounds, but it's got a Class 3 hitch on it. Fits my trailer. Fits my bike…
  • Walked in the park. The False Solomon's Seal is going crazy as are the Larkspur and even some Bleeding Heart. I was planning to go for a bike ride, but too much rain so walk instead.
  • Honda makes very good automobiles. I know people who won't drive anything else. I've been a Toyota person since 1987 when I bought a ten year old Celica. I would be happy to drive a Honda automobile, but maybe not a truck, although they seem to even be making good trucks these days. I'm happy for you that you can close the…
  • Can you provide some peer-reviewed scientific studies that show you can eat in calorie deficit and not lose weight? That's like getting in your car that gets 26.5 miles per gallon, filling up the 14 gallon tank, and thinking there might be a way to go more than 400 miles before you need to get more fuel. That's also…
  • @xbowhunter Yep. On your diary you can go backwards to log something you ate yesterday but forgot to log. You can go on to tomorrow to log what you KNOW you're going to eat. Like some Mondays I might skip ahead to Tuesday and log that taco.... Or before a river trip or dive trip I can log one of these:
  • Next time you're down at the firehouse, check in with the EMT folks. I bet they have an expired one that people can use to get trained how to apply it. The part that goes over the wound has clotting agents to help stop the bleed, and then it holds pressure on the wound. I suspect that in the future, it will become more…
  • When I take wilderness trips, I pre-log a version of food. I have a recipe for "Rafter Rations" and a recipe for "SCUBA Diver Rations." It's simply a mix of fat, protein and carbs. I pre-log. Then when I get back, I request to have my streak updated. I'm still tracking even if the WAY I track varies on those long rafting…
  • Now that I think about it, he may have had Reese's Pieces in his door panel, not M&Ms. Five miles goes by pretty quickly on the freeway. Over 1100 miles, that's 220 M&Ms. That's apparently how many there are in a 7-ounce bag. He also ate Cheetos. He said that long drive trips are the only time he ever eats those. It was a…
  • Car dealer visits are almost never fun. They try to wear you down. When my ex bought her new car in 2013, we liked the first dealer we worked with. The second one was no bueno. In hindsight, I wish we had walked out. She could have got at least as good of a deal another day or at another dealership. She didn't even like…
  • Were they plain or peanut? Plain has the candy coated food group and the chocolate food group. Peanut adds the legume food group. I was on a Grand Canyon raft trip last year. One of the people who drove his vehicle (two days) to get there had M&Ms next to his seat. He allowed himself to eat one M&M every five miles. That's…
  • Yes there are. You've come to the right place. Lots of people here are on this very same journey. Come on along! What are your specific goals? Are the specific and measurable? Do they have a deadline? Are they hard but achievable? What strategies will you incorporate to achieve them?
    in Anyone? Comment by mtaratoot April 25
  • You posted this in multiple discussion areas. It's courteous to just pick the one that fits the best. I think most likely it will be an "expert system" where you start to gain knowledge of what the macros of different types of foods are in general and pick among them to get close. Why are you counting macros? Try to hit…
  • You can log the exercise as an aerobic exercise. Search for "strength training - weight lifting." Use the time you're doing the workout. It may not be an accurate estimation of your calorie burn - so instead you might look at "calisthenics."
  • @Dragonfy4479 How are you doing at the end of your first week?
    in Hello Comment by mtaratoot April 25
  • Red ones on Monday. Yellow on Wednesday. Orange on Friday. Green on Saturday. Blue on Sunday. Tuesday and Friday are M&M rest days.....
  • Use the MFP database and enter everything you eat and drink. Then you can look at the nutritional summary. It will tell you how much fat, protein, and carbohydrate are in your foods. What are your goals, and what exactly are you looking for? Nuts and oils have fats. Nuts also have protein. Grains have some protein and…
  • Where did you come up with these six "food groups," and what exactly are you looking for? What are your goals? Nuts and oils have fats. Nuts also have protein. Grains have some protein and plenty of carbs. Fruits and vegetables have fiber and other nutrients.
  • Order a child's portion
  • Keep eating
  • If you are the cook, you get to choose what's for dinner. Your kids will not only adapt, but they will develop a good relationship with healthy food if that's what they get used to. What's different about what you eat and what they eat?