Best At Home Weight Sets
Hello! I'm looking to buy an at home weight set. I'm going back and forth between an actual weight bench or just a set of dumbbells. This will be more moderate weight training to supplement my cardio work. So an entire bowflex thing would be too much. I thought before I trust the reviewers on Amazon, I would check in with…
Supportive Friends
I'm a couple months into seriously tracking and paying attention to living a healthier lifestyle. I've seen some really awesome results, but I have made changes that are working for me but have my friends a little disgruntled. They like to go out for drinks and dinner a lot, and I still go with them the majority of the…
Eating well while traveling.
I'm an admissions recruiter so I spend the majority of my time either sitting at a desk or travelling around the country for college fairs. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to maintain my eating habits from home while I'm on the road. I don't always have the ability to carry a cooler full of snacks, a fridge in my…