Plant Based Diet
Is anyone else on a plant based/single ingredient diet? How are your macros looking? I seem to be getting way more fiber and carbs than MFP says I should. Should I be concerned? I’ve been transitioning for a month now, cutting out here and there. However, now that I am all in, I am having a hard time reaching my calorie…
How much difference does your bike make?
I'm currently on a 26in hybrid/fitness bike. On level ground the bike tops out at 18 mph. With an overall average speed of 14 mph. I live in HI and my bike is horrible on hills lol. I currently ride twice a week with a total of 50-60 miles. My question is, will biking be significantly easier on an actual road bike? What is…
How to do a pull up?
I can't do a pull up to save my life. I can do push ups, planks and hand stands. When I try for a pull up... Nothing. I don't go anywhere. Any pointers? Are there certain muscles that I should/could be strengthening with other exercises? Is this a weight problem (start 226, currently 174)? A typical upper body workout (if…
In desperate need of fellow fitness enthusiasts!!!
I am in DESPERATE need of fellow fitness enthusiasts. A little about me, my name is Holly. I live in Hawaii. I've been losing weight for almost 4 months. I'm down 49 pounds (about half way to my ideal) and my ultimate goal is fitness. I'm doing a sprint Triathlon at the end of this month. I have a race planned for each…
Looking for advice on Nutrition
I posted this on my news feed and got a lot of negative feedback via messages. I am actively losing weight (down 49 pounds, another 30 to go) and training for a triathlon. I exercise a lot but not in excess. Today for example- wake up and do 60 minutes of yoga/stretching, lunch- 30-45 minute dog walk, 6pm- 20-30 mile bike…
Anyone live on Oahu?
Looking for support. I'm down 44 pounds and I have virtually no support system. I have a few friends on here but no one seems to actually use the app. Any new friends would be awesome ;)
Looking for new friends !!!
I got on here a few weeks ago and posted. Unfortunately, only 1/3 of the people who friended me are still using the app lol I am down 46 pounds ;)
Anyone training for Sprint Triathalons?
So, I'm down 44 pounds, I have competed in a few races (lol I'm slooow). My next goal is a sprint triathalon. Is there anyone else doing the same thing?
Anyone training for Sprint Triathalons?
So, I'm down 44 pounds, I have competed in a few races (lol I'm slooow). My next goal is a sprint triathalon. Is there anyone else doing the same thing?