I discovered this online today. This is particularly for people who has gained weight from taking anti-depressants. From the looks of it there's good reviews :) . The book title is The Serotonin Power Diet. It's available in the Google play store for 9.99. I plan to get this and look for people who are willing to try this…
I would like to make new friends in the city of Chesapeake. I normally work out at home but i just want to possibly find a buddy in the area who has time for a new friend. Friend me with Chesapeake in the message.
When I first started My fitness pal I was so motivated and had like a 75 days streak then I got sick w the flu and lost it all. That was so discouraging. I'm just admitting that I'm still working at it but I need more friends for motivation. Any one been here, wanna be friends so we can help each other? I just have to get…