Alright. So I am 5'2 and I weigh about 127 pounds. I lift daily, and do cardio. For the most part I eat well. ABout 1300 calories a day. I do not starve myself or anything, I eat lots of fruits and veg. Get a good amount of protein, carbs, and good fats. The thing is, for the last year or so, I have started to have this…
So I'm 18, almost 19. I am 5'2 and 132 pounds. I am decently muscular and I ru. Sometimes and do lots of calisthenics. I just have some stomach chub that won't go away. I am in the military so I March everywhere and am on my feet a lot. Is the chubbiness normal? I just need help and support. What do I do? I Always feel…
So I have gotten down to 22% body fat, I weigh 125 now, and I have more muscle on my body which I love. But I still find it hard to accept the rolls I see when I sit down. I look online seeing pictures of "perfect bodies" and I look at mine and definitely don't see anything perfect. I am thin but... I just don't know how…
I dont feel like I look good for my weight and height! I workout every single day, and have been eating a whole lot healthier than I did in high school but everything still seems to be adding it self to my stomach area and it makes me feel pudgy and terrible. Any advice? Or any ways for me to feel better about myself and…