Noob Bike Questions
Other than a couple of sprints that I did in my early 20s, I am a complete noob. I've wanted to get back into it for a couple of years, but bike cost was holding me back. I recently received an unexpected work bonus and have set some aside for a bike. I'm 5'7" and properly fit to a 52cm frame. I've recently seen several on…
Squat Rack Etiquette
I’ve never actually seen anyone curl in the squat rack. How unacceptable is it to superset with it? I workout at a company gym which only has one rack. Someone was doing that this morning and it screwed everything up, creating a big wait.
Health/Fitness Gifts
What health/fitness related gifts are you giving or hoping to receive this holiday season?
Fitness Related Pics
Squatting & Flexibility
Earlier this week I squatted for the first time since high school. I used very light weight and tried to focus on form. I was unable to get my thighs even close to parallel. I think this is due to my extreme lack of flexibility, rather than the weight. I confirmed this with a bodyweight squat where I had the same results.…
Got something to rant about? Put it here. This morning's rant is people who don't know how to use turning lanes. It's not rocket science.
Twitter & McGucket's Corner
I've created a seperate Twitter account specifically for health & fitness. If you're on Twitter, please follow Ol_Man_McGucket. If you're not on Twitter, please feel free to join http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/100292-mcguckets-corner where I'll be posting a lot of the same stuff.
Today's Workout
Thanks for creating this. Unfortunately, today's a #RestDay for me.
An In-Depth Analysis of Pumpkin Spice’s World Domination
"Data from My Fitness Pal users illustrates the spice-combo's ruthless takeover and hints that it may be slowing down" http://time.com/3546807/pumpkin-spice-world-domination-myfitnesspal/#3546807/pumpkin-spice-world-domination-myfitnesspal/
5X5 Group
I'm starting a 5X5 program. I'm pretty sure there's a group for this. Unfortunately the new forums lost the ability to search for groups. Can someone post a link or let me know about how many members are in the group so I can find it? Thanks in advance.