
Got something to rant about? Put it here.

This morning's rant is people who don't know how to use turning lanes. It's not rocket science.


  • joolie_22
    joolie_22 Posts: 3
    edited November 2014
    People stopping just before the crest of a hill and chatting on mobile phone while you're behind them - with no chance of safely passing as you can't see over the hill. Happened twice recently.
  • _JustDG_
    _JustDG_ Posts: 1,584
    People that send you PM's saying "You're so hot", along with a penis picture. Then deactivate.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    _JustDG_ wrote: »
    People that send you PM's saying "You're so hot", along with a penis picture. Then deactivate.


  • vixx1405
    vixx1405 Posts: 129 Member
    Customers moaning saying they cant believe we are open Christmas eve and boxing day all day when they will be the ones coming in buying all kinds of stuff they don't need
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    People who don't re-rack weights or put stuff away at the gym AND the gym employees who sit on their a$$es watching cat videos on YouTube while I put everything away!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    see for me it's not turn lanes it turn signals. USE THEM. if you wanna change lanes or make a turn let everybody else know what your stupid @ss is doing. I mean come on it's 4 inches from your hand and extremely easy to use, so no excuse there, having your phone in your hand isn't an excuse.
  • PwrLftr82
    PwrLftr82 Posts: 945 Member
    People who don't re-rack weights or put stuff away at the gym AND the gym employees who sit on their a$$es watching cat videos on YouTube while I put everything away!

    I think of reracking other people's weights as my warm-up.

  • jenny24012014
    jenny24012014 Posts: 83 Member
    People thinking that if they put their hazard lights on then the blind corner on a 60mph road is suddenly transformed into a safe place to park so they can get out and take photos
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I have a Halloween one too, don't come to my door at the age of 16 with lip fuzz growing and no costume with your pillowcase expecting for me to actually give you candy. Dang after I turned 13 I didn't want to go trick or treating anymore cause I felt like I was too old to
  • joolie_22
    People thinking that if they put their hazard lights on then the blind corner on a 60mph road is suddenly transformed into a safe place to park so they can get out and take photos

    You must live in my neighbourhood!!!
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    PwrLftr82 wrote: »
    People who don't re-rack weights or put stuff away at the gym AND the gym employees who sit on their a$$es watching cat videos on YouTube while I put everything away!

    I think of reracking other people's weights as my warm-up.

    That is what I have started doing prior to my workout and in between sets. I still makes me mad though, because there are signs EVERYWHERE to re-rack the weights, but nobody does it. I think the people who close up the place at night should do it and if they don't, then the person who opens in the morning. The guy who opens apparently thinks it is more important to move wipe down the front counter in between watching cat videos and texting.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    People talking or texting on their phone while driving. On the highway. At 80 km/hour. Not only is it illegal here, it's incredibly stupid.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    I'm hungry RAAAAAAGH
    I'm bored RAAAAAAAGH
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    :# There are bottles of disinfectant and towels at the gym for a reason. USE THEM!! Nothing worse than watching someone go from piece of equipment to piece of equipment coughing all over the damn place and not wiping down their crap when they are done!
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    :# There are bottles of disinfectant and towels at the gym for a reason. USE THEM!! Nothing worse than watching someone go from piece of equipment to piece of equipment coughing all over the damn place and not wiping down their crap when they are done!

    They don't have disinfectant at my gym! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGH
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    that my computer doesn't know what I meant to do. It was supposed to know that the block was supposed to be stationary and not fly off into space. Come on, they are supposed to be sooo smart and make life so much easier.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    After I discovered the affair, I offered counseling-she chose divorce. Immediately I was restrained from my home, without cause, while I still was making the payments. During that time, she and her new boyfriend took everything that wasn't nailed down. Then, with the divorce finalized, she began meddling in my relationship with my kids, denying visitation, alleging all sorts of distasteful things without provocation. Fast forward 12 years, and I no longer see my kids, but I pay dearly for the right to be their estranged father. She spends the child support on clothes and cars, while her new man makes more than I do. She, of course, is unemployed since 1987, and has no income. That is the only thing the courts are interested in, HER income. I've tried fighting all of this, any usually it ends up with me paying her costs and fees, because she has no income, and the child suport goes up almost every time. Lose, Lose. If I could offer any advice, it would be to identify early on that she is one of these: never wrong, always knows best, narcissistic, etc. Then, get as far away as possible. It's hard, but eventually, you are able to move on and get over it without acting on your anger and indignation. They are out there, guys, so be on the lookout when things begin to go horribly wrong in your relationship. And make your divorce attorney address this behavior in the original documents, not after it is already happening, because by then it will be far too late.