Can you leave your feedback on the 30 day shred? And the other one, I think it's called 6 weeks ripped by Jillian Michaels (: What's your favourite workout DVD(s)?
Doing the job I do I unfortunately haven't the time to eat lunch (I on the go all day) so I have a big breakfast that consists of bread which keeps me full most the day then I rush home to a big dinner I eat a chocolate bar for lunch and a fizzy sugary drink for *lunch* I do this instead of something healthy because the…
Is it really bad to eat ham (150 calories) last thing at night as a alternative to chocolate and cheese? I say a alternative but ultimately I want to stop snacking complete eventually but until then... I need something to satisfy my extreme craving!!! Any other alternative? (Not fruit)
When I'm on my period I get very bloated and gain A lot of weight! During this time I avoid weighing Myself (and if I do weigh in I ignore my weight during this time in regards to my dieting/weight loss journey) If anyone else experiences this, at what point before ur period do you start gaining weight? And at what point…
(1) how often do you weigh in??? (2) what time of day do you weigh in? (3)do you weigh in with clothes on or without clothes (4) any other weighing tips???? THANKS XXX
I'm pretty happy with my body. My arms and legs are nice and slim and toned ..... But I've got quite a lot of fat on my belly??? I don't want to lose weight any whet else particularly just my belly and love handle area What's the best exercise? Tips please?
I haven't had the best week but a little lost is better than nothing lost I guess. This is my weight... Last Wednesday: 10stone 08lb This Wednesday: 9stone 13.6lb How much have I lost this week?