Now..given that I understand that food manufacturers are not required to list mono and poly on their much is too much of the good stuff (good fat?) myfitnesspal still adds the total fat to your daily goal, but should those fats be calculated into your total fat intake at all?
So there I was losing about 2 lbs a week. I've been successfully at around 1500 calories a day. No cheating, no serious exercise increases and then this week I lost 3 lbs in 4 days!! What could account for this? I'm feeling ok (except for a possible cold coming on). thoughts?
Does anybody know what the formula is that myfitnesspal uses to decide how many calories you've burned by step?
One of the things I notice when tracking my nutrition is that I almost never get the 100% (I hover around 50% for the week) of Iron (I'm currently on a 1500 calorie a day diet to lose weight) Last time I had my blood work done my Doctor never mentioned an Iron deficiency. I'm a guy (since it seems that matters as Women…