Howdy Collective, I was reading an article on the BBC about Calorie Restricted (CR) diets which sounded interesting to look into and consider as an additional option for weight loss for myself. They provided a link to the iDiet website, but the prices there seem somewhat outrageous to me. Checking out articles on the…
Anyone else get this way? It doesn't happen with pilates or crunches, but today I was laying on the bench and doing dumbbell pull overs and I suddenly felt nauseous. I've been switching up some of my exercises and yesterday I was supposed to do decline flyes and decline press, but when I lay down on the decline bench, I…
I see there is a group for people with diastasis recti, but it appears to be essentially dead, and most of the conversations about DR are related to women as this condition occurs typically in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Even doing research on the internet is primarily directed towards women, then men with larger…