Hi I’m Nikki, I used to be an avid user of MFP a few years back but then life happened and tracking my weight, goals and chatting to like minded people slipped off my priority list! As a rule I follow a low carb/zero sugar diet but recently started dabbling in a more LCHF/keto way of life A bit about me: I’m 33, live in…
Hi everybody, For those of you that are not my friends here is my recent status update. am beyond tired... BEYOND! on another note please Google Myla Dalbesio, she is Calvin Kleins new PLUS SIZE model I repeat PLUS SIZE. Oh Em Gee if she is plus size then I must be a XXXL. Some people on social media are slamming her for…
Hi, Yesterday I went and had a consultation for a breast uplift and later on today I am meeting with the surgeon who will go through the actual surgery, results and recovery in more detail. I like to hear REAL experiences! After a huge weight gain and even bigger weight loss thrown in with pregnancy and months of breast…