A place for us middle agers to become friends and share fitness advice.
Self explanatory
Memories.. good, bad, big small.. Share a memory.
Hint at what you really want to say. Make it vague... Be nice..
@Will_Workout_for_food took a risk as this can either flop or be successful :D He played this on his car forums, and it was a great game that got people up and moving. Turns out this was a success and since he cannot continue maintaining this thread, I have taken it over to keep it going in his honor. Object of the game is…
What kind of kiss would you give the poster above? French, Australian (down under), friend, or your choice ...and 3..2..1..Go Idea supplied by @LiftingLady5 :p
Name a friend thats gone above and beyond. Picked you up when you were down or motivates and inspires you. Tell them why or just a simple thanks. You can even be vague if you don't want to mention a name.
What do you find gross? Floury apples 🤮
Im sure there was one of these threads a couple years back but it wouldn't bump.. so, here we go again. What do you call dibs on.. in the event 2 people call dibs simultaneously there must be a fight to the death to determine the winner 😆