"Guess the Movie from the Song" Game
Just a little game I thought may be fun.. Ill start by posting artist / song from a movie soundtrack. The person below me needs to guess the movie the song was in and then post a artist/song for the next person ..Ready / set / go ! Rob Dougan ~ Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Variance)
Newbie logging question
Alright ... im new to this whole "healthy" thang..Im on my 3rd day of being here and had a question about logging.. Is there any value to logging my preworkout suppliment and the handfull of vitamins ive been taking ?
I got wood today !!
No.. not THAT kind!!! (get your mind out of the gutter) :D the kind to heat your home with .. But since Ive got your attention ..Im just getting into this whole fitness thing and was wondering .. how many of you wear your HRM doing chores around the house ( IE cutting and splitting wood, mowing the lawn, laundry etc)?
New kid on the playground
Alright my account is about 2 hours old .. and reading through some of the posts on here I feel like the kid at a new school .. Seems like alotta people know each other .. I hope this will pass and ill get to sit at the cool kids table :smile: in the mean time.. ill just go over and sit on the swing set and watch yall…