How much weight should I be loosing a week?
Been going to the gym for a month now but have been very strict with myself for about a week. I have a myprotein breakfast smoothie in the morning (156 calories)with a (95calories) cereal bar. I burn 200 calories on treadmill and 150 on the bike then I do weights and squats and so on. Then a chicken soup for lunch (80…
Struggling with my sweet tooth
So this keeps happening today I went to the gym done about 300 calories or just a little but more than that. I come home go into the fridge and bam there's the cheesecake I've been craving all morning. It's so frustrating I feel like I'm un doing all the work I've just done. I need something to replace cake I love all my…
Help planning food for week?
Ok so I have about £40 for food shopping which I think is about $63 dollars in America what should I buy and what meals to cook I'm tired of the same old. And what times should I be eating? thanks guys xx