So here we go!! Another month.. What will you do this month that's going get you closer your your vison? What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve greatness?? You got this make this your month your time to shine forget about your past mistakes and Down falls they do not define who you are!! New day new month let's Go!!…
Believe in your self and all that you are!!knowing that there is something greater in you that can over come any obstacle.its doesn't .matter what happened yesterday today is a new day fit FAM!! Seize it make it yours !! Grab that thank by the neck !!! nothing wrong with being aggressive. Its your health your life!!! Your…
Just started using the app and noticed there's a feature which let's you add people anyone use this app want to add me or need a extra for motivation?
Anyone from central Florida maybe even brevard county that use mfp more than welcome to add me I'm looking for a serious accountability partner if there's is such a thing lol maybe we can motivate each other to be the best versions of ourselves!! #motivated !we got this !!!!snapchat movado216
Thinking about starting a 6/8 week cutt I'm a newbie. I'm around 27% BMI I could use some more muscle mass my legs army skin just this mid section deal going on. I'd love to get down to the 15% range or even 20% .Should I be focusing more on cardio or weights ? Combinations? Little lost here any help or tips would be…
I'm 31 trying to take my fitness to that next level to be the best version of myself pretty tired of settling for average.I think it would super beneficial to have some like minded people in my circle so we can achieve our goals together .Anyone's welcome to add me !! :)
New to this community looking forward to making some big changes glad to be apart of this ad me if you want :)