Started my goal to lose a 100 lbs by my birthday this year . The first pics are of me at my heaviest (282lbs in August of '14 ) and my wife . Second comparison pic is this last weekend picture that I took for our 24 yr anniversary .I decided to try My Fitness Pal . I'm here to say it worked great .Started on Oct 22 2014…
Ok so time to brag a little since I just got my tryglicerides checked since I started my diet which is one of the reasons I went on the diet. As of day 124 of dieting or should I say changing my eating habits for good I'm down to 213 lbs from 278 lbs. Down 65 lbs so far . Down from a size 38 waist to a 34 waist. A loose…
First post. Quick back story. Started my fitness pal last week of October at a beginning weight of 278 lbs with a goal of getting down to 175 by this coming October. Down 58 lbs as of 2 weeks ago at 220 lbs . Over the last 2 weeks I have come to a dead stand still . Still eating the same averaging 1250 and 1400 calories a…