Hi everyone. I want to lose around 5lbs and I was wondering if anyone has ever tried the 5:2 diet or if anyone knows anything about how effective it is? Thank you!
I usually have a small bowl of cereal and banana for breakfast, but find I am always hungry and snacking by 11am. What is a good breakfast to stay fuller for longer but still very healthy? Thanks!
Hi everyone! I've been trying to lose weight for a few months and it's being going well - I've been eating healthily, keeping fit and have lost weight. However, right now I've got loads of deadlines in university as well as exams, which basically means I am stuck sitting down all day writing essays and revising. I am…
Hi everyone! I've managed to lose the weight I've wanted to using My Fitness Pal and am currently really happy with my weight, so it's now time for me to start focusing on toning up. I run most days and attend fitness classed in the gym, but I'm planning on introducing a small morning work-out to my routine, such as sit…
Hi everyone, I'm 5"2 and weigh around 111 lbs and am aiming to lose about 5lbs. My fitness pal have recommended me to aim for 1250 calories a day. I have a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly. This is my average diet on a day, what would you change to help with the process of weight loss? Any advice is very…