lt13171 Member


  • Would it be healthier for me to have eggs with rye bread rather than normal bread? Will add some spinach too!
  • Thanks for the advice everyone. I'm only allowed 1200 calories a day. Possibly thinking of switching to two eggs on a piece of wholegrain toast - does that sound ok?
  • Try taking probiotics before you go to bed, such as acidophilus. It's proven to help with bloating :) I take them every night and it seems to have helped me!
  • Thanks everyone for the advice - I do use a food scale but will make an effort to use it all the time. Is there foods that you would recommend changing in what I posted above?
  • Thanks very much for commenting. I set my fitness pal to lose .5lbs a week and it recommended 1250 which does seem low, but slightly concerned that if I eat more that I'll start to put on weight. I would say normally I eat around 1400-1500 and that maintains my weight generally but I have not lost any weight at all for a…
  • Unfortunately I am a new member to my fitness pal so my diary is empty apart from today (which I posted above). However I do tend to eat quite similar things most days.